Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow’s NS training photos

Daryl Aiden Yow’s brother, Craven Yow, found his own time in the spotlight thanks to photos more incriminating than the former’s photoshopped mess. While Daryl had to answer to his sponsors about stock photos he had manipulated, Craven had to answer to the Ministry of Defence for posting photos of sensitive NS training.

Read about Daryl Aiden Yow and his photography saga here.

Photos again?

The Yow brothers’ downfall could essentially be attributed to photos posted on the internet. Craven’s, in particular showed him in full NS Guardsman uniform holding a cigarette.

Another photo showed him looking through the sight of a rifle, his finger on the trigger, although there was no magazine in the gun.

Yet another photo showed a group of military personnel rapelling from a helicopter in an unknown location. It’s unclear whether he was part of the group repelling or he simply took the photo.

Read about Craven Yow and see the questionable photos here.

Someone complained

When people online found out that there were such photos posted online, some of them sent in complaints and warnings to the MOD about their existence.

Here is a screenshot of the alleged complaint.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

The letter asked if Craven had asked permission to post these photos and if permission was granted.

A statement was issued on the Ministry of Defence website and sent to the alleged complainant. This is their response:

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

According to the post above, “The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is investigating this case. The SAF has clear policies on unauthorised photography in restricted areas and will take disciplinary action against anyone found guilty of flouting these policies.”

The brothers’ response

Daryl has since apologized and has taken down all of his posts on Instagram. He has also answered some accusations from followers and other netizens that other influencers were involved in photoshopped stock photos.

He has denied that any collaborations he’s done used stock photos.

Read about Daryl’s apology for the photos here.

As for Craven, there has been no direct statement about his photos, but he has locked his Instagram account to friends-only.

What do netizens say?

While netizens took issue with the photos, a lot of them had something to say about Craven’s name.

Some just could not believe this guy’s name.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

While some said that there is a way out of this mess for Craven.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

Others clearly couldn’t wait for the next Game of Thrones and see references even in this topic.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

Some we helpful with finding what the name meant from the dictionary.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

Others thought that the parents had nothing to do with their child’s name. He is an adult.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

While others could not believe that the parents (if indeed they did name him) gave him that name.

Ministry of Defence responds to complaint about Craven Yow's NS training photos - Alvinology

What do you think of how the Ministry of Defence responded? Let us know in the comments!

Read about how the internet just ran with Daryl Aiden Yow and created their own series of photos!


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