Megamind in 3D - Alvinology

Megamind in 3D

Megamind in 3D - Alvinology

Animated comedy film, Megamind, is the latest release from DreamWorks Animation. It is now showing in Singapore cinemas and is available in 3D. The movie stars the voice talents of Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, David Cross, with Jonah Hill and Tina Fey.

I attended the Singapore gala premiere with a bunch of costumed bloggers from the omy Blog Club two weeks ago. You can check out some of the event photos below:

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Megamind masks for everyone
Megamind masks for everyone
Bloggers in costume with Megamind
Bloggers in costume with Megamind
Bloggers group picture 1
Bloggers group picture 1
Bloggers group picture 2
Bloggers group picture 2
Bloggers group picture 3
Bloggers group picture 3
Bloggers group picture 4
Bloggers group picture 4
Yongwei with two young bloggers
Yongwei with two young bloggers
Yongwei and William
Yongwei and William
Chrispytine as female Mario - really love her outfit
Chrispytine as female Mario – really love her outfit
Aimee as Supergirl, together with Megamind
Aimee as Supergirl, together with Megamind
Elson and friends, dressed up as characters from the manga, Deathnote
Elson and friends, dressed up as characters from the manga, Deathnote
Batman and Robin
Batman and Robin
Trying out the XBox Megamind game
Trying out the XBox Megamind game
Megamind with Gin, dressed up as Roxanne
Megamind with Gin, dressed up as Roxanne
Janet, the reporter and Gin, the Megamind reporter
Janet, the reporter and Gin, the Megamind reporter
Hpility enjoying the attention
Hpility enjoying the attention
Fashion designer, Keith Png getting interviewed
Fashion designer, Keith Png getting interviewed
Chrispytine/female Mario, getting interviewed with Qiuting
Chrispytine/female Mario, getting interviewed with Qiuting
Batman and Robin getting interviewed
Batman and Robin getting interviewed

Movie trailer:

[youtube url=””]

A summary of the plot, via IMDb:

After super-villain Megamind (Ferrell) kills his good-guy nemesis, Metro Man (Pitt), he becomes bored since there is no one left to fight. He creates a new foe, Tighten (Hill), who, instead of using his powers for good, sets out to destroy the world, positioning Megamind to save the day for the first time in his life.

Overall, I enjoyed the underlying underdog theme whereby the villains (Megamind and Minion) and were the ones who became the heroes at the end of the day while the heroes (Metro Man and Tighten) were the one who disappoint. Majority of the other bloggers who watched it enjoyed the movie too. Check out their reviews.

I have been reading superhero comics since young. I grew up watching many alpha-male-type cartoons like Transformer and He-Man where the good guys always kick the butt of the sappy villains at the end of each episode.

Always one who identified better with the underdogs, I often pondered why can’t the villains get to win sometime? Cartoons being cartoons, the villains never get to do any real, drastic damages anyway. Beyond having grandeur and silly world-domination ambitions, the villains just served to get their asses kicked by the heroes as a plot device.

The same charade will repeat itself again and again with each episode.

Then came the decline of the superhero genre in the 90s. DC Comics decided to kill Superman; Frank Miller turned Batman into a broody, evil character in The Dark Knight. Being Captain America was no longer cool. In fact, good guys in spanking bright spandex costume sprouting fluffy good versus evil speeches now appear retarded and stupid.

The superheroes are given an induction to the real world. Values are not always clearly discernible into clear-cut good and evil. More often, they are just shades of gray.

Good guys are now turning half bad, to lend them elements of believability and humanity. If the good can be part bad; isn’t it time for the bad to turn good too?

Hence the genre of reverse superhero is born. Movies like Despicable Me, an earlier animation comedy film that runs the similar villain-turn-hero, underdog theme and of course, Megamind, these are the  flavour of the month.

Megamind in 3D - Alvinology

If you enjoyed Despicable Me like I do, you will enjoy Megamind too. The movie is a wholesome entertainment for the family audience. For parents, don’t worry that the bad guys winning in such movies may send the wrong values to your children. This is because in the end, good still triumphs over evil, except the conventional victors and losers’ roles are switched. Morever, if your kid is like me when I was  young and keep asking you questions like “How come the bad Pokemon always lose?” – this movie was made for this purpose. 🙂

Technorati Tags: megamind 2010, megamind, megamind movie, megamind movie review, megamind singapore gala premiere, megamind movie preview, omy blog club, megamind costumed premiere, megamind costume characters, megamind tighten, megamind metro man, megamind tina fey, megamind brad pitt, megamind, will ferrell, megamind vs despicable me, megamind david cross, megamind jonah jill, roxanne ritchi, megamind roxanne, megamind minion, reverse superhero, reverse superhero movie


  1. Suddenly I’m reminded of He-Man after reading your post, I almost forgotten about him. The costume premiere looks really fun!

    Nice post! 😉

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