Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream - Alvinology

Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream

Join the Museum of Ice Cream (MOIC) for a fun-filled National Ice Cream Day celebration at Plaza Singapura (main entrance outside Starbucks) from 11 am to 6 pm on July 20th and 21st, 2024. Aligned with MOIC’s mission, National Ice Cream Day is about celebrating the universal joy of ice cream and reconnecting with your inner child. We’re bringing the party to the city with free ice cream and free entry to MOIC’s biggest outdoor Sprinkle Pool yet.

Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream - Alvinology

Scoop Up Free Gelato and Endless Fun

Get ready for a treat! Follow MOIC on Instagram at @museumoficecreamsg to redeem a free scoop from Denzy Gelato, the coolest gelato sponsor in town. Indulge in Denzy’s new prebiotic-enhanced gelato flavors with no added sugar. Savor the luscious and fresh intensity of Denzy’s tropical Alphonso Mango Sorbet, perfectly balancing sweet and tangy. Cocoa lovers can choose Chocolate Delite, crafted with premium Callebaut Chocolate for the ultimate fudgy experience.

Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream - Alvinology

With 6,000 scoops available, don’t miss out!

Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream - Alvinology

Everyone is invited to cool off in the 30-square-meter sprinkle pool, the largest in Asia! Bring your friends and family to make the most of the sweetest summer holiday and get a glimpse of the MOIC experience.

Dash to Cart

To sweeten your National Ice Cream Day celebration, enjoy 15% off all MOIC tickets from July 20th, valid for three months!

Scavenge for a Year’s Worth of MOIC

Sprinkle Pool Party and FREE Weekend of Ice Cream Await at Plaza Singapura This National Ice Cream Day Celebration by Museum of Ice Cream - Alvinology

Inspire your inner explorer with the scavenger hunt for ice cream lovers of all ages! Look out for MOIC unicorn squishies hidden near the National Ice Cream Day pop-up, with location clues posted on MOIC’s Instagram stories every two hours. Be one of six lucky scavengers to redeem a free MOIC annual membership for a year’s supply of ice cream and playtime.

Museum of Ice Cream is located at 100 Loewen Road, Dempsey, Singapore 248837.

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