Kim Lim divorces BK Kho, lives with dad Peter Lim and stepmom Cherie Lim - Alvinology

Kim Lim divorces BK Kho, lives with dad Peter Lim and stepmom Cherie Lim

29-year-old socialite Kim Lim defined low-key with a casual mention of her dissolved marriage a year past in Icon magazine, according to Asia One, in direct contrast to the bitter divorce of her parents years ago.

She appeared in an interview with her stepmother, Cherie Lim, in two separate instances, where she revealed details about her marriage, relationship, and eventual divorce with Kho Bin Kai or more popularly known as BK Kho.

Kim Lim finalized divorce with BK Kho in 2020

According to The Straits Times, she and her ex-husband had been separated for some time, and that the divorce was only finalized this year, 2020.

The report said that their relationship had been “on and off” in the past year.

In the interview, Kim said that she and Kho Bin Kai had wed in a private ceremony in 2016 then had their son in 2017. Since then, however, their romance had waned, and she felt that they did not have a ‘spark’. According to the interview, the relationship felt like it was routine and a habit.

Kim also said that she had tried to salvage the marriage, giving her husband many chances, and even allowing a year to continue–but in the end, they decided to give each other freedom.

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The interview showed that Kim had been the one to bring up the matter of divorce, and her husband had stayed silent when she did. She pointed out that she and her husband had many differences, but that these were not conflicts.

She said that while she was in influencer, her husband didn’t have much of a digital footprint. She was into fashion and beauty, while her BK Kho preferred to dress simply. Alvinology previously reported that Kim was already aware of how different she and her ex-husband were at the time they were married, “She says that BK Kho is very low-key and doesn’t have any interest in social media, unlike Kim who is an influencer and earns her income primarily from being one. She says that he did not even have an Instagram account before he met her.

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“She also said that he is quite calm and rational, while she is impulsive when dealing with issues. She says that their attraction to each other may be a product of their opposite personalities as well.”

They stopped living together in 2019 and finalized the divorce this year. Kim then moved in with her father, Peter Lim, and stepmother, Cherie Lim. Due to the move and the presence of her young son, Kim had begun to build a good relationship with her stepmother.

Kim said that she and Kho Bin Kai may be separated, but he is still the father of her child, and that she thinks he is a very good one, “We had already separated about a year ago, so this is not a rash decision. Though we cannot be husband and wife, he is still the father of my son and a very good one at that.” she said.

Who is Kim Lim’s ex-husband Kho Bin Kai?

According to a previous report by Alvinology, Kho Bin Kai and Kim met on a trip to Thailand when the billionaire’ daughter saw him at a Buddhist Temple and remarked on his height and broad shoulders.

A report from Asia One in 2019 showed that BK Kho was charged with a gambling offense. He allegedly assisted in remote gambling using an alias “Ah Leong.” and was out on $25,000 bail.

Kim Lim is just like all of us–sometimes.

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