Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Via Today and Straits Times, five 17-year-old youths have been swiftly arrested and charged for vandalism in the high-profile Toa Payoh high-rise graffiti case. Their photos have been plastered all over news sites even though they are minors (any criminal lawyers care to clarify on this?):

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

All of them have shaved head. Not too sure if it was the police who shaved them or whether they are skinheads or part of some gang identification.

The five youths have been named and identified as Goh Rong Liang, David William Graaskov, Chay Nam Shen, Boaz Koh Wen Jie and Reagan Tan Chang Zhi (pics via Facebook):

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

Toa Payoh Graffiti Case: Five 17-Year-Old Youths Arrested and Charged for Vandalism - Alvinology

These boys are young… their parents must be heartbroken.

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Via Singapore Police Force’s Facebook page:

The five suspects will be charged in Court on 10 May 2014 for the offense of Vandalism with Common Intention under Sec 3 of the Vandalism Act, Cap 341 read with Sec 34 of the Penal Code. This offence carries a punishment of imprisonment of up to three years or fine up to S$2,000, and shall also, subject to Sec 325(1) and 330(1) of the Criminal Procedure Code 2010, be punished with at least three strokes of the cane.

I hope they learn from this incident and can be given a second chance, just like the Sticker Girl, Samantha Lo (SKL0). FYI, Samantha is now being commissioned by the Singapore government to do artworks for events like the coming National Day. Maybe the five boys can be put to good use to do some high-rise performance art and stunts.

Since they have not served their NS yet, maybe they can becoming parachuters and do graffiti in the sky?

I am still curious how they did the graffiti. Is one of them Peter Parker in disguise?

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