Cosfest 2008 - Photo Galore! - Alvinology

Cosfest 2008 – Photo Galore!

WARNING: Long entry ahead with loads of photos.

I went to Downtown East yesterday to check out Cosfest VII – the biggest annual cosplay event in Singapore. Cosfest is growing from strength to strength each year, attracting a bigger and bigger crowd (You can compare the photos I took this year to those I took last year in my 2007 blog entry). Kudos to the organisers, Stephanie and Takahan for making all these possible for the last six years. ๐Ÿ™‚

Below are some photos I took to share. Enjoy! You can also visit HERE to view the news report by

girl group with lollipop

Girl group with giant lollipop

Dash to Cart

wishing tree

Make a wish around a tree?

japanese gangsters

Japanese gangsters


Is this a Chobit with no ears?

japanese school prefects

Japanese school prefects

fanart booth

Booth selling anime/manga fanarts

very crowded

Very crowded

another art booth

Another fanart booth

sell comic books

Booth selling manga and illustration books

paper aeroplane

Paper aeroplanes can be cool

attention grabber

This guy very attention grabbing!

backstage pass

Showing off some pass

playing dead

playing dead

life-size dolls

Life-size dolls

nature lover

Nature lover

group lolita

Gothic lolita group

naruto and his friend

Naruto and his friend

Dynasty warriors

Dynasty Warriors cosplay

naruto, kakashi, ...

Naruto, Kakashi and one more…

very impressive costume

Very impressive costume!


Two girls in yutaka


Cloud looking at clouds


Leon cosplaying himself and taking his own photo

colourful wigs

Techno-coloured wigs


one of my favourite character in Final Fantasy



the star wars dudes

The Star Wars dudes who are everywhere

too much star wars

Watching too much Star Wars is bad for your health


Some princesses or angels

Graffitti wall

Graffiti wall

angel and demon

Demon and Angel

happy cosplayers

Happy cosplayers

white penguin

White penguin

naruto characters resting

Naruto cosplayers resting



gothic lolita with umbrella

Gothic lolita with perfect cosplay accessory for a hot day

japanese schoolgirl murderer

Japanese schoolgirl murderer

cool basic

Black and white costumes

gold samurai

Gold samurai

smoking gives you cancer

Smoking causes cancer



cosplay store

Booth selling cosplay stuff

japanese waitress

Here’s your sundae Sir!

I like

I like this costume

schoolgirls taking neo-prints

Japanese schoolgirls with neo-print pose

see what see!

See what see!

booth selling all sorts

Booth selling all sorts of random stuff

hellsgate cosplayers

Hellsgate cosplayers


Retro green

naruto characters fighting

Naruto characters fighting


Gamers cosplayers


Check out the Rastafarian wig

I am going to slice you!

Take picture some more?? I slice you ah!

all by myself

All by myself… with rubber hoses

smiley cosplayer

Cosplayer with a winning smile

Watch out Transformers!

Watch out Transformers!


Nice gundam costume

violin players

Violin players


Two girls



leather girl

Leather girl

pikachu and stitch

Pikachu and Stitch

final fantasy

Final Fantasy?

power of the universe

“By the power of the universe!”

shiny wigs

Shiny wigs

naruto and his muse

Naruto and his muse

fake muscles

Fake muscles!


L, from Death Note


Apologetic schoolgirl

nice costume

Nice leather costume

guitar man and friends

Country song legend and his friends

Singapore's representative for World Cosplay Summit

Singapore’s representatives for World Cosplay Summit

all the winners

All the winners on stage

Finale dance

Finale Dance

don't shoot!

Don’t shoot!

dancing close-up

Dancing close-up: Check out the abs for the guy on the right!

parting shot

Parting shot – see you next year at Cosfest 2009~!

Technorati Tags: singapore cosplay club, scc square, stephanie, snowheart, takahan, chivalry entertainment, singapore cosplay event, cosfest 7, cosfest VII, cosfest, downtown east, d’marque, death, sandman, naruto, kakashi, cloud strife, final fantasy, hellsgate, singapore cosplayers, japanese schoolgirls, world cosplay summit, manga, anime, fanarts, gundam, gothtic lolita, dynasty warrior, yutaka, leon kiong, star wars, luke skywalker, pikachu, lilo and stitch, bleach, singapore best cosplayers


  1. That is cool when is cosfest 2009?
    I saw Reborn, COS-MOS and King OF Fighter characters :):):):):):)
    The mikos are quite nice too.
    country song is Rikku cloud and the character from chrono trigger.

  2. ‘Gothic lolita with perfect cosplay accessory for a hot day’

    thanks for the above comment~ ^_^ I’m searching photo from cosfest and passby ur place and saw my photo~ such a good one~ may I keep it only for myself~?

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