The inaugural Lianhe Wanbao e-Awards seek to honour the cream-of-the-crop and the bottom-of-the-barrel in the Asian entertainment industry (Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea).
In total, there are 7 categories:
Most Happening Concert 最精彩演唱会 (Jay Chou)
Most Half Past 6 Concert 最没看头演唱会 (Sammi Cheng)
Most “Wow” Movie 最佳电影 (The Last Communist)
Most “Yawn Yawn” Movie 最让人失望电影 (The Lost Suitcase)
Most “Shiok” Album 最好听的专辑 (A Yue’s OK)
Most “Sian” Album 最平淡无味的专辑 (5566, Fahrenheit, Energy, K-One, etc)
Most Promising Newcomer 最耀眼新人 (Dawn Yeoh)
Most Newsworthy artiste 最多新闻艺人 (Chen Weilian)
Hottest Singapore Star 最辣本地姜 (Eric Moo)
Hottest Overseas Artiste 海外风云人物 (Hary Mirza, hahaaha… ASIAN IDOL OK!)
TEN nominees for the individual Best and Worst categories of the Award will be determined by a public poll on omy.sg and through SMS nominations.
You can visit HERE to nominate for whom you love or hate. 🙂
My own choices are in white fonts and in bracket above. Highlight the text and you will be able to see them.
Technorati Tags: wanbao e-award, lianhe wanbao, 2007/8, singapore, entertainment award, best and worst, voting, nomination