Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries? - Alvinology

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries?

As reported on omy, EDMW, XXvsDY, Dawnwayang and theliesofdawnyang, there are many dirts surfacing in the local Internet community on Dawn Yang allegedly plagarising her blog entries.

Here are some sample URLs with screengrabs:

Dawn Yang’s posts on STOMP and her own blog (note: Dawn claims this article was even published on SPH’s my paper (English)! *gasp*:

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries? - Alvinology

Original post

Dash to Cart

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries? - Alvinology

Dawn Yang’s post:

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries? - Alvinology

Original post:

Dawn Yang plagarises her blog entries? - Alvinology


Serious sia… What’s your verdict on this? Plagarism is a serious offence, as clearly reiterated by Xiaxue, in her blog entry titled ” A general article on my general thoughts on Plagiarism on blogs”.

Poor Dawn. All this started because she chose to pick up a spate with Xiaxue. I have to admit, I made a wrong comment in my previous blog entry – I gleefully proclaimed Dawn Yang had the last laugh from the spate when she managed to forced Xiaxue to take down an offensive blog entry via threat of a lawsuit.

Looking at the situation now, Dawn Yang is clearly at the losing end, with so many people focused on digging out dirts about her.

The morale of the story: Don’t mess with Xiaxue and her gazillion fans.


In any case, since we are on the topic of Dawn Yang and Xiaxue, my poll on who’s the prettier among the two is still on. Visit here to vote. 🙂

Technorati Tags: singapore, chiobu, xiaxue, clapbangkiss, dawn yang, candid pictures, star blogger, singapore blogger, pretty girls, singapore beauty, straw poll, nuffnang pajamas party, nuffnang birthday, kidchanstudio, wendy cheng, xiaxue pwnd, xiaxue vs dawn yang, dawn wayang, xxvsdy, xiaxue vs dawn yang, dawn yang pwnd, my paper, stomp star blogger, plagarism, dawn yang plagarised blog entries, cosycot forum, edmw, hardwarezone, the moderate voice, freedom digitised, what will happen to your life if there is no internet?, the lies of dawn yang


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