How Can Elderly Americans Maximize their Quality of Life? - Alvinology

How Can Elderly Americans Maximize their Quality of Life?

American citizens enjoy one of the highest  standards of living in the world. When compared to other countries, wagesare often significantly higher and the healthcare system is among the most advanced in all countries. Because of this, life expectancies tend to be higher than average, and millions of Americans enjoy a lifestyle that’s far better than can be found elsewhere.

However, it’s important to consider what life will be like once Americans reach the senior years of life. There’s still a need to enjoy an enriching and enjoyable existence as an elderly citizen, especially when some health problems may be more prevalent. In this article, the focus is on senior citizens in America and what steps they can take to maximize their quality of life as elderly people.

Staying connected

It’s estimated that one quarter of American adults become socially isolated in later life. Often, this is due to losing their partners to old age or poor health. It can also occur when they’re living in an area where they don’t have close friends or relatives nearby. Being isolated for long periods of time can lead to an increased risk of suffering from some serious mental health problems such as depression and schizophrenia. Put simply, it’s vital that American senior citizens stay connected with others to ensure that they continue to enjoy a high standard of life and feel part of the wider community. This can be achieved by having regular meetings or shopping trips with friends and family. If the elderly person lives a long distance away, ensure that you have a weekly phone call or video call with them so any issues and news can be discussed.

Coping with dementia

In later life, the risk of having dementia increases. 10.7% of Americans aged sixty-five or over have some form of dementia, and it can severely impact on their quality of life as the condition advances. When dementia progresses to the point where a person isn’t safe in their own home (due to forgetting to switch off the cooker or forgetting where they live) it’s wise to consider relocating to a specialist residential home such as the dementia care community in Glenview, IL.

In these types of establishments, there will be on-site staff who can help their residents manage their condition. Bespoke care plans can be adopted that allow the elderly to enjoy the highest standard of living, within a safe and secure environment. Many such facilities offer a range of therapies (such as music therapy) that allow dementia patients to cope with the condition.

Cultivating a new hobby

Elderly American citizens often find that they have an abundance of free time in later life. This is because they’ve retired from work and no longer have to spend their week in a workplace. However, it’s vitally important to use this time wisely so that it can provide enriching life experiences.

One way to achieve this is to cultivate a new hobby. Examples include learning to play a new musical instrument, spending time outdoors tending to the garden, or taking up various forms of arts and crafts. Regardless of the specific pursuit, it must be enjoyable and provide a sense of satisfaction to complete.

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