Next generation LEGO Friends to focus on inspiring children to embrace diversity - Alvinology

Next generation LEGO Friends to focus on inspiring children to embrace diversity

The LEGO Group re-imagines the Friends Universe, with the introduction of new diverse characters, to enable more children to feel represented during play. This next generation is designed to celebrate diverse friendships in the modern world.

This next generation of LEGO Friends has implemented input from kid testing, research and feedback from letters sent to the company, which all found children had a desire to see themselves, their friends and their families better represented.

Dash to Cart

The brand-new universe of authentic, interesting, passionate, and diverse characters includes additions of multiple skin tones, cultures, physical and non-visible disabilities, and neurodiversity.

The new sets and series will feature characters with limb difference, Down Syndrome, anxiety, vitiligo, and a dog with a wheelchair. The new friends also explore and work to overcome modern challenges that they face, passions, obstacles, and differences, all while trying to create friendships.

Next generation LEGO Friends to focus on inspiring children to embrace diversity - Alvinology

The re-imagined LEGO Friends Universe aims to help kids become better friends to themselves and others while providing emotional and social development through play, to help them better understand individuality, diversity, and the modern world.

Beyond research and insights from kid testing and designers reviewing letters from children, the LEGO Group also revealed recent research that further highlights children’s need for representation.

LEGO Play Well Study 2022

Next generation LEGO Friends to focus on inspiring children to embrace diversity - Alvinology

The LEGO Play Well Study 2022 showed an overwhelming desire for more representation in play and more discussion on diversity and revealed that parents (97%) believe it is important to discuss the unique individualities between us all, especially mental health (91%), physical disabilities (82%), mental disabilities (81%), and ethnicity (75%).

Moreover, parents (84%) say that play and toys can have a key role in helping children learn about diversity.

The research also found that 3 in 4 (73%) children felt that there were not enough toys with characters that represented them and similarly, that 8 in 10 (80%) children would like there to be more toys with characters who look like them.

Moreover, children themselves are asking for a fairer, more equitable world with 9 out of 10 (91%) saying they care about everyone being treated equally.

Next generation LEGO Friends to focus on inspiring children to embrace diversity - Alvinology

LEGO Friends TV

The LEGO Group wants children across the globe to experience the entire Friends Universe as relatable and representative of the real world, both when it comes to products and content.

As a result, the storylines of the LEGO Friends TV show have been refreshed in collaboration with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media helping to develop the character’s narratives to ensure they’re relatable, inclusive, and reflective of the difficulties and experiences that children face today, including the ups and downs of friendships.

The new LEGO Friends sets will be available from 1 January 2023 across LEGO Certified Stores, LEGO Official Store on Lazada, Shopee, Amazon, as well as major retailers and department stores in Singapore, while a LEGO Friends TV special is due to air in February 2023 – kicking off the new TV series.

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