Master Yun of Lotus on the Water in row with Cambodian Princess Norodom Arun Rasmey and PM Hun Sen? - Alvinology

Master Yun of Lotus on the Water in row with Cambodian Princess Norodom Arun Rasmey and PM Hun Sen?

After a previous Alvinology report mentioned that self-styled Master Yun, also known as Cheah Fah Loong was banned from entering Cambodia after a problematic Khmer dance performance, the row seems to encompass some of the royal family as well.

Master Yun vs Princess Norodom Arun Rasmey

Last March 8, Yun posted a series of photos with his face and Cambodian Princess Norodom Arun Rasmey’s face superimposed on the bodies of popular cartoon characters Tom and Jerry from Tom & Jerry.

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Princess Arun Rasmey is a prominent figure in Cambodia, being a half-sister to the King of Cambodia, a politician, and a diplomat to boot.

In this photo, he even drew tears and a sad face on the Princess’ face. An image showed the Princess’ face with red marks on the top of the head and her fingers. For some reason, the photos featured red marks on the hands of the cat and black marks on the fingers of the mouse.

Another photo showed other images imposed on the Princess’ face. There is also a rain cloud on her face. One other featured tear marks and vandalism on the Princess’ face.

Some images also showed the body of the cat with red marks on the hands and feet.

All the photos could be found on the Facebook post seen below.

He also posted a video mentioning her name and Prime Minister Hun Sen, asking why a certain dance was being performed in casinos and other settings.

Yun asked in the caption if a casino would be banned from Cambodia since there was also an alleged “sacred dance” performed there. He also alleged that the dance should only be played for kings and dignitaries.

What did Master Yun do anyway?

A previous report showed that Prime Minister Hun Sen criticized Yun for appearing in a performance with Cambodian Royal Ballet company dancers in an alleged “sacred dance.”

Master Yun could be seen performing a short ritual prayer while he faced the audience and his back was turned to the dancers. In Cambodia, turning away from someone is considered a grave insult.

PM Hun Sen has banned Master Yun from entering Cambodia unless the latter issues a public apology.

Yun has not apologized as of publishing and continues to push back against the ban.

Prince Sisowath Tesso takes Yun’s side

In another Facebook post from Master Yun’s profile, he thanked another member of the Cambodian Royal Family, Prince Tesso Sisowath, for his support.

The Prince also posted a Facebook status that expressed his appreciation for Yun’s efforts in promoting the Cambodian Royal Ballet company. The Prince highlighted how Yun’s company, Lotus on the Water, was very quick and instrumental in funding one of the last movie projects of his predecessor, the late Princess Norodom Buppha Devi.

He also said that what Yun did during the dance was simply a prayer for a very small moment during the dance.

He has asked Cambodian people to take a look at what Yun and his company has done for Cambodian culture before they decry Yun’s actions.

A previous post on Lotus on the Water’s Facebook page showed that the prince put a painting made by Yun in his own bedroom in 2017.

Prince Tesso was named Princess Buppha’s successor in the directorship of the Cambodian Royal Ballet company.

Header image from Master Yun Facebook account and Princess Norodom Arun Rasmey Facebook account.

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