My journey with migme in 2014 - Come join us! - Alvinology

My journey with migme in 2014 – Come join us!

My journey with migme in 2014 - Come join us! - Alvinology

Last year was a transitional year for my career. I started off the year at News Corp, handling social media for Southeast Asia and Japan. From there, I moved on to Temasek briefly and then went off to Nanjing, China to work on the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. Upon returning to Singapore, I joined migme, an Australia-listed social entertainment platform with over 9 million monthly active users across Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East and Africa.

What do I do at migme?

Dash to Cart

I sit with the audience team in the Singapore headquarter and is responsible for community development. Basically, I recruit cool and interesting people onto our platform and plan a user roadmap for them to grow our content and community globally.

Join us at migme!
Join us at migme!

If you are a blogger, cosplayer, photographer, artist or have some interesting hobbies which will translate into amazing content and communities online, please drop me an email at [email protected] to find out more about what we can do for you and your communities. You can be from anywhere in the world, we will get to you, one step at a time. 🙂

I promise you loads of fun with us on migme and you will get to make friends with people from around the world, including top celebrities as well as overseas events and #migups (gatherings for migme users).

My journey with migme in 2014 - Come join us! - Alvinology

I joined migme in September last year (@alvinology) and has been on board for almost 4 months. During this period, I have attended and organised #migups in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, with more events lined up for 2015.

In September, migme threw its biggest Indonesian celebrity gathering, #BFFfest, at the Exodus Club in Jakarta, pulling a crowd of stars that included Bondan Prakoso (@officialbondan), Cinta Ramlan (@cintaramlan) and Kikan Namara (@kikannamara). This event was my induction into migme and I got to rub shoulders with some of the top celebrities in Indonesia:

Bondan Prakoso
Bondan Prakoso
Kikan Namara
Cinta Ramlan
Cinta Ramlan
Cinta singing
Cinta singing

We did many more #migups in Jakarta and I got to meet some of our super friendly and loyal long-time users who had been supporting us since we were known as mig33 (before my time with migme):

#migup in Jakarta with loyal migme users
#migup in Jakarta with loyal migme users

Of course, there are new users as well. We did a whole series of school events in Indonesia, bringing celebrities into schools in Jakarta for #migGoesToSchool. I got the opportunity to step into Indonesia campuses and interact with young students to come onto our platform:

#miggoestoschool with trax fm
#miggoestoschool with trax fm
Female students enjoying themselves at the school concert
Female students enjoying themselves at the school concert
Male students acting too cool to care
Male students acting too cool to care
Emcee rousing the crowd
Emcee rousing the crowd
Swing along
Swing along
Jump for joy
Jump for joy
Make a cool pose
Make a cool pose

In October, migme hosted our first migup in Singapore for a group of Singapore-based bloggers. It was an informal meet-and-greet for new users to get to know us and to have a sneak peek at our new Android app:

Our editor, @vickiho with a group of musician bloggers
Our editor, @vickiho with a group of musician bloggers
Singapore bloggers who came to our first #migup in Singapore
Singapore bloggers who came to our first #migup in Singapore
Foreign bloggers based in Singapore with our editorial director @clarityis
Foreign bloggers based in Singapore with our editorial director, @clarityis

In November, I attended Social Matters in Hong Kong and met with amazing folks like Zach King, the King of Vine; Ray Chan, the founder of 9GAG and a few top bloggers in Hong Kong like Stone Ip (@stoneip) and Supersupergirl (@supersupergirl):

Zach King, King of Vine, at Social Matters in Hong Kong
Zach King, King of Vine, at Social Matters in Hong Kong
With Ray Chan, the founder of 9GAG
With Ray Chan, the founder of 9GAG
Ray showing us his newest online project
Ray showing us his newest online project

I also got to check out the Yellow Umbrella Movement since the protest was ongoing when I was in Hong Kong:

My journey with migme in 2014 - Come join us! - Alvinology

My journey with migme in 2014 - Come join us! - Alvinology

In December, we rounded up the year with a regional #migupPenang in Malaysia, where a group of bloggers from different countries met up for some fun and adventures:

Lunch at a retro restaurant in Penang
Lunch at a retro restaurant in Penang
Staying at Syok Hostel
Staying at Syok Hostel
Visiting the Time Tunnel Museum
Visiting the Time Tunnel Museum
Me with Penang bloggers, @wthmy9982 and @valynlim, who are both on migme
Me with Penang bloggers, @wthmy9982 and @valynlim, who are both on migme

In the last weekend before Christmas, migme collaborated with the Singapore Cosplay Club (@cosfestonline) to engage with cosplayers from around the region. We organised an online photo contest on migme and flew in three cosplayers from Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines to attend the Cosfest Christmas 2014 event at Downtown East in Singapore. Meet our three winners, Brigitta Yuuki (@brigittayuuki) from Indonesia, Bummy Spears (@bummyspears) from Vietnam and Din Grayson (@dingrayson) from the Philippines:

Left to Right: Brigitta Yuuki, Bummy Spears and DIn Grayson
Left to Right: Brigitta Yuuki, Bummy Spears and DIn Grayson
The three winners with Sailor Venus (migme staff, Reia, who is based in KL - @migmejuniper)
The three winners with Sailor Venus (migme staff, Reia, who is based in KL – @migmejuniper)
Everyone wants to take their photos
Everyone wants to take their photos
The three winners were really popular and lots of cosplayers approached them to take photos
The three winners were really popular and lots of cosplayers approached them to take photos
Event turn out
Event turn out
Our winners on stage with famous Filipino cosplayer, Liui Aquino
Our winners on stage with famous Filipino cosplayer, Liui Aquino
Cosplayer fans off stage
Cosplayer fans off stage
We gave cosplayers migme caps
We gave cosplayers migme caps
We gave a migme cap to Liui Aquino too
We gave a migme cap to Liui Aquino too
Cosplayers from the manga and anime, One Piece
Cosplayers from the manga and anime, One Piece
Mega cosplayers selfie at the end of the event
Mega cosplayers selfie at the end of the event

Oh, and we had awesome Halloween and Christmas parties:

Me with my colleagues from the audience team in our Halloween costumes
Me with my colleagues from the audience team in our Halloween costumes
Christmas migme cookies!
Christmas migme cookies!

Yes, all these and more happened in just four months.

We will be hosting another regional bloggers #migup this month in Singapore, flying in bloggers from around the region. There are more of such events lined-up and our goal is to create truly global communities of friends for bloggers, cosplayers and other interest groups.

If you like to be a part of this journey together with me, join migme! 🙂

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