Via Pxdkitty:
[youtube url=””]
After the now infamous incident of Gen Z Ah Lian, Adelyn Hosehbo, boasting about slapping her own mother on Facebook; we now have Gen Z girls #ShowTheirBoobies on Twitter in their attempts to become the #HottestPeopleOnTwitter.
What is wrong with Gen Z girls???
A characteristic of Generation Z is that they are highly connected, with many having had lifelong usage of communications and media technologies such as the Internet, instant messaging, text messaging, mobile phones and YouTube, earning them the name, “digital natives”.
However, this does not mean they have to post everything online, including pictures of their under-developed boobies:

Is there no distinction between private and public space for these girls?
fk face pxdkitty
whats the problem – the more boobs the better