Singapore Blog Awards 2011 – Blog your way to a free trip in Melbourne! - Alvinology

Singapore Blog Awards 2011 – Blog your way to a free trip in Melbourne!

Singapore Blog Awards 2011 – Blog your way to a free trip in Melbourne! - AlvinologySingapore, 21 April 2011 – The annual Singapore Blog Awards returns this year with more exciting events and prizes. Bloggers stand to win a trip to Melbourne, Australia, inclusive of air tickets and accommodation, among attractive prizes worth a total of $30,000.

Organised by (, Singapore Press Holdings’ leading bilingual news and entertainment portal, the Singapore Blog Awards honours “new-age wordsmiths” who devote their time and energy to create and maintain informative and innovative blogs.

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This year, the ten main categories of the Awards have been adjusted to reflect the developments in the Singapore social media scene. They now include “Best Family Blog”, “Best Fashion Blog”, “Best Travel Blog” and “Best Social Media Integrated Blog”. The latter was added to acknowledge the growing popularity of social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare.

Ms Lee Kuan Fung, Associate Editor of, said: “As the online community gets more social with the proliferated use of social media, goes with the flow to reinvigorate the awards by making suitable adjustments to accommodate increased participation in the Singapore Blog Awards”.

The logo for the Singapore Blog Awards has also been updated to give it a more modern feel, incorporating the trophy designed by famous artist, Tan Swie Hian, into the lettering.

In addition to the ten main award categories, there will be two celebrity categories and four sponsored categories. The two celebrity categories, “HTC Most Popular Local Celebrity Blog/Microblog” and “HTC Most Popular Overseas Celebrity Blog/Microblog”, will be determined entirely by public voting. The sponsored categories are “HTC Best Mobile Blog”, “ Best Shopping Blog”, “Asus Best Tech Blog” and “Adonis Best Beauty Blog”. A complete list of award categories is available on the official website.

Singapore Blog Awards 2011 – Blog your way to a free trip in Melbourne! - AlvinologyNomination and registration is now open till 22 May, followed by a voting and judging phase till end June. The winners will be crowned at an award ceremony held at the chic Shanghai Dolly in July.

The public can log on to the official site ( to nominate their favourite blogs. Bloggers can also participate directly by registering themselves for the Awards.

Judges for this year’s awards are Mr Kelvin Tong, movie director; Ms Kuo Jian Hong, Co-Artistic Director of The Theatre Practice; Mr Keith Png,fashion designer; Radio 100.3 deejays, Ah Ken and Anna Lim; Ms. Violet Lim, Founding Director of Lunch Actually and; Mr U-Zyn Chua, CEO of; Mr Samuel Ng, CEO of Marine Parade Family Service Centre; Ms Xiao Han, Director and Lyricist of Funkie Monkies Productions; singers, Ms. Tan Diya and Ms. Carrie Yeo; Mr Walter Lim, Director of Strategic Planning, Policy and Marketing Communications ,National Art Gallery; Mr Danny Yeo, theatre practitioner and Mr Low Sze Ping, multiple award-winning photography blogger.

The main sponsors for Singapore Blog Awards 2011 are HTC,, Asus, Asia Pacific Breweries’ Get Your Sexy Back, Domino’s Pizza, Tourism Victoria, Jetstar, Adonis and United International Pictures. Other sponsors include Fabrix, 1-Rochester Group, Get Singapore and Night Safari. Publicity partners are Stomp, ST701,, MyBloggerCon and Venue partners are Shanghai Dolly and Tiger Beer.

The Singapore Blog Awards is part of a series of events branded under Social Media Fiesta, an social media initiative.

第4届新加坡部落格大奖开跑  推动“社交媒体节”

Singapore, 21 April 2011 – 进入第四届,资讯娱乐网omy.sg举办的“新加坡部落格大奖”跟着社交媒体平台进化,进入一个更受瞩目的时代。走出部落格领土,加入Facebook、Twitter、Foursquare等元素,“新加坡部落格大奖”将触角伸入更广大的社交媒体世界。

第4届“新加坡部落格大奖”已正式开跑。今年的比赛是omy.sg第一届“社交媒体节”(Social Media Fiesta)三项活动中规模最大的一个。其他两个活动是在4月16日举行的“SG 4Sq Day”,以及将在6月底举行的“社交媒体日”(Singapore Social Media Day)。

另一个和往年不同的是,今年“新加坡部落格大奖”的奖项是omy通过网络调查和票选拟定的,保留了6个受欢迎的奖项:最佳摄影部落格、Domino’s 最佳美食部落格、最不可思议部落格、GYSB 最佳生活资讯部落格、最具个人特色部落格以及部落Y格斗,并增设了4个新奖项:最佳家庭部落格、最佳时尚部落格、最佳旅游部落格,以及最佳综合社交媒体部落格。

此外,“新加坡部落格大奖”的标志也换上新装,将我国多元艺术家陈瑞献设计的部落格鼎融入其中,展现新时代气息。部落格鼎是权威的象征,表扬10个最佳部落格得主的努力,得主们还有机会出席电影“Kungfu Panda 2”首映礼及其他精彩活动。本届丰富奖品还包括澳大利亚墨尔本机票与住宿配套、HTC手机、ASUS笔记型电脑等,奖品总值3万元。

“新加坡部落格大奖”已经开始接受推荐及报名。公众可以推荐部落格来参赛,拥有部落格的格主也可为自己报名。参加者将有机会赢取一个13寸的Fabrix Slim Messenger时尚配件(共5个)。


“2011年新加坡部落格大奖”由HTC、、Asus、Asia Pacific Breweries’ Get Your Sexy Back、Domino’s Pizza、Tourism Victoria(维多利亚旅游局)、Jetstar、Adonis和United International Pictures主要赞助,其他鼎立支持的商家包括Fabrix、1-Rochester Group、Get Singapore以及Night Safari。宣传伙伴是Stomp、St701、、大马部落以及。场地伙伴是Shanghai Dolly以及Tiger Beer。

推荐和报名截止日期为5月22日,详细资料和最新进展可上 http://sgblogawards.omy.sg查询。

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