Mas Selamat was at White Sands, 7-11? - Alvinology

Mas Selamat was at White Sands, 7-11?

mas selamat sighting?
Saw this via HWZ forum.

Don’t know if this is true, but this blogger called Jussaemon claimed her cousin saw a CCTV recording of Mas Selamat Kastari at White Sands, 7-11:

My cousin works at McDonalds, White Sands.

Last week, he was on the closing shift which ends at 2am. On the way home, he saw police at the MRT’s 7-11. He knows the guys working there, and asked what’s up?

The two guys actually served Mas Selamat! When he came in the store, they suspected it was him but acted naturally to avoid confrontation whatsoever but called the police soon after he left. Guess what? The police came 2 – 3 hours later!! And they viewed the CCTV footage and apparently the image matched! He was wearing the same slippers and pants, has a limp too!

So well actually my cousin only saw Mas Selamat on CCTV. haha but still! that’s a very close encounter!

Now i understand why the minister kept saying, “We have no reason to believe he’s left the country” bcause the criminal has been sighted inland!

Kudos to the staff at 7-11 for staying vigilant. This has better not be a joke. If the sighting is real, it’s rather amazing how Mas Selamat managed to move from the Whitley Road Dentention Centre, all the way to White Sands in Pasir Ris avoiding detection.

In any case, I hope he will be arrested soon so everyone can have a peace of mind.

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