TikTok Launches Global Change Makers Program to Boost Social Impact Creators - Alvinology

TikTok Launches Global Change Makers Program to Boost Social Impact Creators

TikTok has announced the launch of its Global Change Makers Program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at elevating social impact creators who use the platform to drive positive change. This six-month program will provide selected creators with the tools, resources, and support needed to build engaged communities, reach new audiences, and create real-world impact.

Celebrating Global Change Makers

The inaugural list of TikTok Change Makers includes 50 purpose-driven creators from around the world, each recognized for their efforts in advocating for various causes. These creators, ranging from environmentalists to mental health advocates, are celebrated for their unique contributions to their communities.

TikTok Launches Global Change Makers Program to Boost Social Impact Creators - Alvinology

Notable Change Makers from Southeast Asia

Adeline Tay (@adelimey), Singapore: Adeline uses her platform to raise awareness about alopecia totalis, offering support and information to others with the condition.

Josiah Leong (@grandmotherstories), Singapore: Josiah shares heartwarming content featuring his grandmother, promoting senior appreciation and intergenerational bonds.

Celine Murillo (@celinemurillo_), Philippines: A photographer and environmentalist, Celine creates stunning content to highlight the biodiversity of the Philippines and inspire climate action.

Chanut “Kong” Wudhiwigaigarn (@konggreengreen), Thailand: Kong is an advocate for sustainability, focusing on upcycling, reducing food waste, and promoting environmental initiatives in Bangkok.

Dr. Nguyen Trung Nghia (@bs.nguyentrungnghia), Vietnam: A renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Nghia uses TikTok to share insights on mental health, raising awareness and providing self-care tips.

Halimah (@dailyjour), Indonesia: A former teacher, Halimah educates her 1.2 million followers on gentle parenting, aiming to foster healthy family dynamics.

Vina Muliana (@vmuliana), Indonesia: An HR professional, Vina offers career advice and has been recognized in Forbes’ 30 under 30 for her impactful content.

The TikTok Change Makers Grant

To support these creators, TikTok is introducing the TikTok Change Makers Grant, donating over $1 million to more than 30 global and local non-profit organizations. Each Change Maker will receive a $25,000 donation to further their advocacy and enhance the impact of their work.

Fostering #TikTokforGood

The TikTok Change Makers Program is part of TikTok’s broader commitment to fostering a global community passionate about using #TikTokforGood. With over 50,000 posts under the hashtag, the community has demonstrated a strong desire to drive meaningful change. This program aims to amplify their efforts and inspire others to join the movement.

How to Get Involved

To learn more and participate, visit your local content hub, which will feature inspiring stories and programming over the next six months. Join the Change Makers by using #TikTokforGood and start making a difference today.

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