7 Things You Should Do When Charged with a Criminal Offence in Singapore - Alvinology

7 Things You Should Do When Charged with a Criminal Offence in Singapore

Given Singapore’s stringent legal system, confronting criminal charges is a serious affair with the potential for profound personal consequences. The city-state is known for its strict law enforcement and the efficiency of its judiciary, traits that contribute to its reputation as a place with low tolerance for criminal activities. For the unprepared, the gravity of facing criminal charges here can be particularly daunting, as the ramifications extend beyond immediate legal concerns and may potentially impact one’s livelihood, freedom, and social standing. Being served with a criminal charge thus calls for careful, immediate attention and a strategic response.

If you find yourself accused of a crime in Singapore, know that there are many concrete things you can do to safeguard your legal rights and contend strategically with the charges. Here are seven important steps to take in such an event:

Understand the Charge and Potential Penalties

Grasping the full scope of the criminal charge is a pivotal first step in your defence. Singapore’s criminal law is extensive, with each offence carrying specific penalties which could range from monetary fines to custodial sentences. Understanding the legal definition of the charge, the elements of the crime, and the associated penalties are crucial for forming a factual basis for the defence strategy. This foundational knowledge will enable you to appreciate the severity of the situation and to collaborate effectively with your legal counsel in planning a defence.

Choosing a criminal defence lawyer in Singapore is a critical decision that should be based on concrete factors. It’s essential to look for a lawyer with a solid track record in the specific area of law related to your charge. This means examining their familiarity with similar legal scenarios, their past case outcomes, and their reputation in the legal community. 

It’s equally important to ensure that the lawyer you choose is someone you can communicate with openly and who understands your specific needs and concerns. They will not only represent you in legal proceedings but must also be able to explain the various legal terminologies, processes, and potential outcomes in clear terms.

Be Aware of Your Right against Self-Incrimination

In Singapore, as in many other countries, individuals facing criminal charges have the right to remain silent during interrogations. This right protects them from being forced to make any potentially incriminating statements that might subsequently be used against them. 

From the moment the authorities detain you for questioning, it’s in your best interest to refrain from answering any questions until you can speak with your lawyer. If you do eventually elect to provide the police with a statement or explanation, ensure that they only take this statement with your lawyer present. This will prevent them from misrepresenting your words or taking them out of context.

Disclose Relevant Information to Your Lawyer

After engaging a lawyer, it is crucial to provide them with complete and accurate information concerning your case. Full transparency with your legal representative will enable them to defend you effectively, whether they’re arguing for a full acquittal or for a mitigation of your potential sentence. Even seemingly insignificant details might have legal relevance and could influence the outcome of the case. A lawyer’s advice and strategy are only as good as the information they are based on, so it is essential to be open and comprehensive in your disclosures.

A lawyer’s approach to your case will fundamentally change based on your decision to plead guilty or to claim trial. If you opt to plead guilty, your lawyer will focus on mitigation—that is, presenting factors and arguments to the court aimed at reducing the severity of your sentence. This could include highlighting your personal circumstances, any remorse shown, and steps you can take towards restitution.

On the other hand, choosing to claim trial will shift your lawyer’s strategy towards proving your innocence in court. This may entail scrutinizing the prosecution’s evidence and cross-examining witnesses in order to challenge the case being made against you. Your lawyer will guide you on the risks and benefits of each approach and help you determine the best possible way to approach your case.

Maintain Confidentiality

Once you’ve been charged, resist the temptation to discuss the situation with anyone besides the members of your legal team. Conversations between lawyers and their clients are regarded as strictly confidential in most cases. In contrast, any discussions you have with others outside this relationship can potentially be used as evidence in court. Avoid talking about your case with friends, family members, or acquaintances so as not to undermine your legal position.

Read Up on the Criminal Justice Process

An informed defendant is an empowered one. While your criminal defence lawyer will guide you through the procedural aspects of your case, you may find it helpful to acquire a basic understanding of Singapore’s criminal justice system. This includes familiarising yourself with the various stages of criminal proceedings, from arrest to the final verdict. You can find accessible resources through official Singaporean legal portals and reputable legal advocacy groups, or ask your lawyer to point you in the right direction.

Comply with Court Orders

While your case is in process, be sure to follow all court orders and legal directives, such as bail conditions and restraining orders. Violating these directives will likely have immediate and severe consequences that might include the revocation of bail or additional charges. In addition, this strict compliance also demonstrates your respect for the legal process and may help you build a more positive impression with the judge.

Navigating the intricacies of a criminal charge in Singapore demands a composed and informed approach. From the initial understanding of the legal charges to the careful selection of a defence team, each step you take should be deliberate and informed. As the judicial wheels turn, remember that maintaining your well-being and compliance with legal procedures is as critical as the legal strategies employed in your defence. Let the principle of justice guide your journey, and be assured that every individual is entitled to a fair defence and the opportunity to be heard.

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