Do you ever struggle to get a good night of sleep, or do you find that your room isn’t exactly restful? Getting the right amount of sleep is important for our bodies and minds. Read further here to know four ways that you can make your bedroom more sleep-inducing.
By making sure your bedroom is comfortable, cool, dark, and quiet, you are on your way to sleeping well every night!
1. Make Your Bedroom Comfortable & Cool
The most obvious way to get yourself into a better night’s sleep is with a comfortable mattress. Whatever your sleep position is, mattress retail professionals at recommend that a good mattress should have enough firmness to support your body but not so much that it causes you pain in the morning. Memory foam and innerspring features are also excellent for keeping your sleep comfortable throughout the night. Sleeping on the ground may be an option for culture, but can actually cause more problems than it solves. A bed frame or box spring is also worth investing in because it will keep your mattress supported for years to come.
The right temperature in your bedroom is important for getting high-quality sleep. While sleeping in a slightly cold room may sound like the worst idea ever, it actually makes falling asleep much easier. Keeping your bedroom no warmer than 65 degrees Fahrenheit helps promote deeper sleep thanks to your body’s natural cooling mechanism. The recommended temperature range for bedrooms is between 60°F (15°C) and 72°F (22°C). This means that the temperature should not be too warm or too cool.
To find out what temperature your bedroom is, simply take a look at the thermostat on your wall. If it shows that the room is outside of the recommended range, try to turn down or up the temperature for more comfort. It might take some time to get used to sleeping in a new temperature range, but soon enough you will notice how well you sleep when it’s right!
You can also adjust your bedding and blankets to help make your bedroom more comfortable. There is nothing like cuddling up under several layers of warm and soft blankets and bedding at night and getting a full eight hours of sleep thanks to high-quality insulation between you and the bare floor below. If possible, invest in down alternatives instead of down. The “pricey” nature of down alternatives is worth it for how incredibly soft and comfortable they are. Also, try adding more pillows or a mattress pad that allows you to set your own desired level of firmness. By making sure that there are no drafts coming into the room through cracks near doors, windows, or the AC unit, you will also be able to sleep better at night!
2. Make Your Bedroom Dark & Quiet
Light, noise, and other distractions can make it difficult to fall asleep at night.
First of all, keep your bedroom as dark as possible. You may need to replace old light switches that allow some light into the room or use black-out curtains if there is no way to easily change out your current light switch. Additionally, try using earplugs or eye masks for any sounds or light sources in your room that might wake you up throughout the night (i.e., an air conditioner, heater kicking on, or the street lights). Noise can be one of the biggest disruptors of sleep.
Noise interrupts your sleep cycle, which makes it harder for you to actually get restful sleep. It also gets very frustrating when you cannot turn off the noises because they are coming from outside sources. When creating a nighttime routine, try to turn off all electronics and noisemakers. It is recommended that you power down all electronics an hour or so before going to bed at night because electromagnetic radiation can throw off your circadian rhythm if you are exposed to it while trying to fall asleep. Upgrading your bed can make a real difference in sleep quality—but it’s just as important to think about your children’s sleep environment too. If they sleep better, so do you. A well-designed bed with built-in storage can help keep distractions like tablets and gaming consoles tucked away at night, creating a calmer space for rest. Opting for double beds for kids not only gives them more room to get comfortable but also provides a practical solution for keeping their bedroom clutter-free and sleep-friendly. These simple fixes may help ensure that you get enough rest every night.
3. Make Your Bedroom A Place To Keep Screens Out
In the past few years, our lives have increased in screen time. From laptops to cell phones, many of us spend hours a day scrolling through social media and watching videos. But did you know that staring at screens right before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep?
This is because too much light exposure from devices like televisions, iPads, laptops, and other screens can actually suppress melatonin, which is the chemical that tells your body when it’s time to sleep. This means that logging onto Facebook or reading one more chapter in your textbook may be causing restless nights!
As an alternative, consider buying an alarm clock to use instead of checking your phone every night just before bed. This will allow you to use your phone when it’s convenient for you without sacrificing sleep.
4. Make Your Bedroom A Place To Enjoy Peace & Quiet
Whether studying, watching TV, or just talking on the phone with a friend, many of us do things in our bedrooms that distract us from falling and staying asleep. Before going to bed at night, try making your room a place where you only sleep and relax. Keep your bedroom free from any other distractions such as study materials or an unmade bed so that there is no reason for you not to get good rest.
A lot of people sleep with their pets in their bed at night, but this can actually disrupt your sleep pattern because you are never sure when they will move or if they will need to go outside right in the middle of your nap! By having a big master bedroom it does not matter if your pet is moving around. Also by having that extra room you do not have to worry about falling out of bed or even getting kicked out of bed while sleeping. This kind of space gives you peace and quiet no matter what time you go to sleep. It also gives off an inviting vibe which makes for a cozy night’s rest!
By following these four tips about how to make your bedroom more sleep-inducing, your body should begin to realize that your bedroom is the place where you go to sleep and unwind from a long day. This can lead to more restful sleeping patterns and make sleeping every night seem like a breeze!
Cleanliness in your home affects the quality of life. Also, cleanliness in the bedroom affects the quality of sleep. Contact cleaning services at and feel all the benefits of cleanliness in your home.