Is It Worth Spending Money on Cars? - Alvinology

Is It Worth Spending Money on Cars?

Buying a car is a one-time investment. Ordinary people generally switch cars once in 6 years. You need to have a clear understanding of whether your purchase is worth the money. 

Let’s be honest- every car depreciates by a considerable margin the next year of purchase while other investments like Land, Building increase in value every year. It makes no sense to get a loan and buy a fancy car that you can’t afford to pay. Moreover, you have to add extra costs in its maintenance and body repair. Put together; you can visualize cars as the liability while house and land as an investment.

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Now, will all these demerits, you should be probably thinking that buying a car is a bad investment. Well, the answer is no, and we can argue on that endlessly. Cars, these days, have an ultimate necessity as a mode of transportation. You can expect major cities around the world to have one car per person. The automobile industry is booming like never before because they foot on the status and moment for personal and autonomy supremacy. 

If you can comfortably afford a luxury car, you will enjoy paying lots of taxes, repair costs, and filling the tank from time to time. Well, most of us are not that lucky and have to take chances to buy a car on a tight budget. Buying a new car is wholesome and going to get expensive no matter what you choose; instead, there are various used car options in the market. Getting a used car is not a bad idea after all. 

You have the liberty to choose from multiple make and models.

Visit a few reliable auto dealers, inspect the vehicle thoroughly, take it for a test drive, and then decide. Or check out online offers on websites such as, where you can find a wide range of cars from several makes and models that have been inspected thoroughly before they are presented for sale. Take your time to check all paperwork related to the used car you are considering; also, be aware of any insurance-related costs.

If you are fortunate, you can get free insurance from the dealership. As you may already know, you have to take risks while buying a used car. Revs Check Report is the right place you need to be while looking for a history report generator. You never know if the car has a horrible history of finance and theft.

Surprisingly there are cars whose value might increase, and you can crown them as an investment. Well, the odds of these cars are narrower to certain models. We suggest you not buy a car because you think it’s going to go up in value. Try to buy those which at least won’t lose their value much than an investment. If you are thinking of equaling car investment with assets, cars will not be on that level unless you are playing in million-dollar leagues.

Benefits of having a car

If you live in major cities, buying a personal car is a necessity. Are you wondering why you should put your cash on vehicles? Here are points delivering your answer.

  1. These days, having a car is more socially expected than not having a car. You develop sort of social pressure realizing everyone else in your neighborhood drives to work and college by car. 
  2. You can commute hassle-free to your work far away if you have a car. If you don’t have one, you would probably have to live pretty close to your work or take public transportation.
  3. Cars can actually work as a secondary form of shelter. If you have a minivan, you can park it anywhere and take a rest. You can find a sweet spot for you at the boot to protect yourself from snow, rain, and wind.
  4. No doubt, cars can get you to places faster; however, they can get stressful, costly, and less safe. Keeping that aside, you can reach your destination two to three times more quickly in cars than in public transit.
  5. Getting groceries and goods from the supermarket becomes a lot easier when you have a car. 
  6. Moreover, cars do benefit society in many ways. They help in transportation, importing, and exporting goods and services. You can later hangout with your friends and socialize with them without having to think twice on the way to get home.

How much is too much for a car?

In general, spend as low as possible in a car. Financing a car is one of the most significant investments for a lifetime and saving a bit of money on cars boils down to making a couple of other great choices in life.

As a rule of thumb, you ought to invest 10% of your monthly income in a car. Suppose you earn $10,000 a month, and you should spend as much as $1,000 in gas, finances, and maintenance of the car. You can cut the cost of gas if you get a car that gives high mileage.

So, spending money on a car is not a bad investment after all. If you are not a car person, you should be thinking twice about what’s holding you back in getting a car. Get car insurance, learn to drive well, and save gas and maintenance costs; subsequently, you will be more than the happy owner of a car.

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