Chinese woman angers Americans after buying out face masks in Central Florida - Alvinology

Chinese woman angers Americans after buying out face masks in Central Florida

Americans reacted to a video uploaded on Twitter of a Chinese woman who appeared to be walking into various stores in Florida, buying a lot of face masks.

What happened in the video?

According to a tweet, you can see the video of an Asian woman speaking in Chinese, and showing off a large number of face masks still in their boxes on top of each other. She would occasionally speak to a store attendant and thank them for allowing her to buy a huge number of masks.

On a normal day, this wouldn’t be considered as anything more than odd–but with the threat of COVID-19 or the Wuhan coronavirus, the supply of face masks all over the world has dwindled. Hospitals across the globe are scrambling to acquire medical supplies–while this woman simply had to drive around her state to get all the face masks she wanted.

You can watch the video here:

Dash to Cart

The video was recently uploaded, but it is unclear when she had actually recorded the video, which may be the reason why so many masks were available for purchase. The attendants in the store were not wearing any face masks at all.

In the video, she could be seen going to different stores, some of which were hardware stores, and asking for masks.

She drove out of her own city but she’s still in Central Florida. She said, Tthere aren’t many Chinese here so they still don’t know about the face masks yet.”

She kept repeating that she’s “super happy.” She also showed how she arranged the masks and her trips from store to store. The Chinese woman said that Americans still do not know about the masks, and that she had cleaned out the shelves.

A Caucasian man and a child could be seen in some parts of the video.

The woman mentioned that there aren’t a lot of Chinese people in her area so the masks haven’t been bought up yet. She said that at one point, she was sweating and probably nervous. She said she also felt she was like a thief.

A Chinese-language Facebook post from Turnip Magazine also said that the woman may have bought up all the masks to sell them. It also mentioned that she happily said that people in her area had no idea about masks at the time.

Who is this Chinese woman?

While the actual date of the video is unclear, the mask shortage felt all over the world certainly pushed this woman’s face into the spotlight.

According to another tweet, the woman’s name is allegedly 35-year-old Hexin Jiang, and she lives in Hillside County, Florida. She reportedly has a criminal record that shows she was arrested for Battery Domestic Violence in 2018.

You can see her data from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office below.

Chinese woman angers Americans after buying out face masks in Central Florida - Alvinology

She was reportedly charged with domestic violence against one male.

Chinese woman angers Americans after buying out face masks in Central Florida - Alvinology

Hexin Jiang, according to her now-defunct social media profiles, has one child with her Caucasian husband.

What did Americans say?

According to the Twitter thread that showed the video, Americans are angry.

This comment mentioned that the woman should be charged by the FBI.

Other people also had conspiracy theories.

What do you think of this woman’s behaviour? Would she have gotten away with this in Singapore? Let us know in the comments!


  1. I am a Chinese and saw this in a social media, all of us are angry of her and blamed her shameful behavior. I can assure you it is just one (if not two) such bad people in every community. We are doing donations to get masks to the states to support hospital and medical staff and the lady made us even more sad.

    1. Please do a little bit research before giving any comments. This video was made at the end of January when Wuhan had the outbreak. She was buying the masks to help ppl in Wuhan!

      1. Hello? Chinese lady? Hexin Jian? Is that you?

        I call cow-dung on you. Shame on you for trying to defend her. Just the fact that she’s gloating about it and feeling like a thief (yes, I understand Chinese) conclusively shows she understands what she’s doing is WRONG! There’s nothing you can say to justify that if she was just “donating” to China.

        She’s a dai-go, which means re-seller. She has a re-sell website:

        First of all, I don’t have any conclusive proof she donated everything to Wuhan or China or Mars. Second of all, the only reason she would have done so is because she got called out and publicly shamed. Sorry I can’t find the link to her page where she says she’s had enough of the public shaming, but whatever she did was not out of generosity.

        1. Same as in America, there are drug dealers/consumers, killers, thefts, and all kind of criminals. They don’t represent American people. They are everywhere. She is one of that insane kind of people. The fact that she was in jail once is a proof that she is not an ordinary person. She is one of a bad person, including her husband. They are both bad.

          1. Donot say she is just one. I can see you people doing this everyday every where. and you are the same. I bet you bought a lot of rice and toilet paper and masks and etc

        2. She was definitely selling them. Advchina exposed everything. Anybody defending this cunt needs to get themself some commievirus from lack of a mask.

      2. She was clearly proud that she was depriving Americans from them. Yes, it could have been in January but she was still being very malicious towards others.

      3. If she wanted to help Wuhan people, it should be Ok. Did you really watch that video she recorded ( it is looked like she was doing live stream) ? Her facial expressions and tone tune did show how stupid American is. She also said she was feeling like a thief .

      4. She was not going to send them to Wuhan. February 4th 2020 Pompeo announced that the USA had sent 17.8 TONS of medical supplies to China, and was prepared to spend up to 100 million in existing funds to assist China and other impacted countries. Watching this video was nauseating. To think someone in America of any nationality would greedily take needed medical supplies, is inhumane. I really am thinking twice about buying anything that isn’t American made. Our Country must go back to old fashioned values and practices. BUY AMERICAN MADE!!

      5. There is no excuse- regardless when it happened- her behavior is not acceptable- wake up – no wonder you are anonymous

      6. ha lol this is even funny. so her action to gain the profit should be considered as “good action”? only because she is trying to sell it to ppl in Wuhan? OMG.

      7. Negative we already knew about the spreading of the virus into other countries!! What she did is wrong on so many levels and it’s Sick! This lady gas no morals! If you want to hear even the husband’s response to all of this go to YouTube I follow them their names are winston and Matt but they go by Serpentza and laowhy86 and on their other channel they do together Advpodcast has the full story including emails from the husband’s response on Serpentza!

      8. Sorry, your excuse for her doesn’t fly. Look at her evil smile and attitude saying “leave no one for Americans”. If she is sincerely hoarding the masks to save others, she wouldn’t be boasting online. Unfortunately, I am a Chinese immigrant I know her state of mind when she is boasting in her video. I feel shameful being a Chinese immigrant because of her.

      9. Fuck you chinese you are buying up all the masks to make a profit.
        you buy up our quality medical gear and sell us your cheap chinese crxp.

      10. Who gives a fuck if she was buying to send back home no fucking morals the cow should be strung up along with the arsehole sticking up for the cow you sound like a cccp cunt fuck off ya chinky boot

    2. F ….that . Every Chinese in US dike like her . We saw by our eyes . I saw same thing in Home Depot in DC

    3. Chinese did same job in Korea at January ~ Feb also they started staking toilet paper in Australia I think it is hard to say only some Chinese do that

      1. NO! You got that wrong. The only good COMMUNIST is and dead COMMUNIST. Lots of good NON-COMMUNIST Chinese in the world. Our enemy is COMMUNISM!

    4. This looks like she is a plant from China to help the Wuhan Corona virus spread & ruin our economy. This is very bad. I now have negatively biased opinions of Chinese & their MOTIVES!!! WHAT do you think about my suspicions? And my now negative biased towards Chinese/Chinese Americans?

    5. What a Chinese man. Do You really think this is just one case happening in USA or around the world? If you google it you can see so many same cases happening around the world by so many Chinese people? Donot ever say this is just one case you MXXX FucXXX

    6. Hexin Jiang and her husband should be arrested, imprisoned and executed. They are guilty of First Degree murder.

  2. I’m an Chinese American and have been living here for last 3 years. I love this country just like all of my friends, both Chinese Americans and other ethics. This woman’s behavior is a disgrace for All Chinese Americans and I’m sure it’s not representative for most of us. I’m sure her behavior will be investigated by the law enforcement. I hope her behaviors won’t spike any discrimination to Chinese or any other ethnic groups. God bless America!

    1. She shipped these masks back at the end of January to save the healthcare workers and other people working in the frontline in Wuhan. Please don’t feel she is disgraceful!

      1. Hello? Chinese lady? Hexin Jian? Is that you?

        I call cow-dung on you. Shame on you for trying to defend her. Just the fact that she’s gloating about it and feeling like a thief (yes, I understand Chinese) conclusively shows she understands what she’s doing is WRONG! There’s nothing you can say to justify that if she was just “donating” to China.

        She’s a dai-go, which means re-seller. She has a re-sell website:

        First of all, I don’t have any conclusive proof she donated everything to Wuhan or China or Mars. Second of all, the only reason she would have done so is because she got called out and publicly shamed. Sorry I can’t find the link to her page where she says she’s had enough of the public shaming but I’ve seen it. But whatever she did was not out of generosity.

      2. how do you know she shipped those masks back to Wuhan? Especially “for the healthcare workers”??

        1. She is hoarding the stuff and for later resell. Amazon and Ebay have removed most of them from online resell.

      3. She IS disgraceful because of the video and how she was acting. SO HAPPY that she had fooled the Americans and bought all of the masks. Don’t defend her, it makes you look bad as well.

      4. bullshit…we are not stupid…whatever she did with them after the fact does not matter at all…her comments and smile and smirk say exactly what her motivation and intent was…she knew what was coming and for every mask she bought intentionally deprived a healthcare worker or another first responder…she is right, we Americans are stupid and easily swayed by being afraid to be “racist”…no she obviously doesnt represent every Chinese American and no harm should come to a single one for any reason but look at that smile, that is scary to see the satisfaction in her face at the thought of her actions causing Americans to suffer in some way…that is a prime example of the fake smiles you see everyday from alot of people that are here benefiting from being in America, but deep inside, justified or not, there is a joy they have when they see us suffer in someway…whether it’s our sanctions, foreign polices or just plain envy, do not be naive to think that she is the only one…no, we have all seen that smile on the faces of several different u get ur nails done, and they talk and giggle about u, or u go into s store and they say things when u walk up, smiling in ur face… I’m telling you, there is something brewing and we better pay attention…and please dont call me racist, I love a good happy ending and a good buffet…just kidding..I’m just saying, they do not like us, pay attention, for whatever reason they just dont

    1. She can not represent all the Americans who come from China! (I am one of them.) A lot of us did NOT have any masks yet, including who work in the Lab for the research of Coronavirus! The greedy behavior she showed in the video will damage the human beings including herself. ? Also we can find the similar news happened in Tennessee and many other places with different races, the law enforcement should be involved to prevent the similar situation happens in the future.

  3. She should be arrested and charged, even though buying mask is legal, however, not under current circumstances. This is a greedy person without any compassion.

    1. Chinese people are very very greedy people they are all about money ? what ever they can make money off of they will fake clothes fake shoes she saw a chance to be greedy and buy as many masks she can to resell they are all greedy ass people they are fucken rude they always talking shit about Americans and how stupid we are SO BE REALL THEY ARE ONLY HERE TO BE GREEDY DONT THINK FOR ONE MIN THEY LIKE YOU THEY ONLY LIKE YOUR MONEY I JUST PRAY TO GOD WHEN THIS IS OVER SHE IS STUCK WITH ALL THAT SHIT AND THE STORES DONT TAKE ANY IF IT BACK????☹️☹️☹️☹️????? ?????????? IM NOT A PREJUDICE PERSON BUT HOLY SHIT CHINESE PEOPLE MAKE IT HARD NOT TO BE A LITTLE JS????????‼️‼️‼️‼️

    1. exactly, diversity is our strength. this woman has broken the law and should be punished, but don’t stereotype other asian , her behavior angered the chinese american. She purchased a lot in early Feb and sold them to the people in China who needs mask, she posted this video in her online store to prove that the masks are genuine and not from unknown source. So many Chinese american saw this video in Chinese website, and angered by her behavior and vowed to dig her out, report her to the police for her criminal.

      1. Can’t say for certain, but I’m about 85% sure the intention of his comment is exactly the opposite of what you think.

  4. Those who hoard items are definitely not limited to one ethnicity. There is no time stamp affiliated with the video, and it could have been predated the time when our president telling everyone it’s just like a flu and no one should need to wear mask. So while her action show lack of empathy and totally selfish, it is unfair for articles to sensationalize it in a race baiting manner. Please also publicize the chinese american communities working hard to source personal protective equipment to hospitals, with personal donations and donations from oversea.

    1. How much is the CCP paying you? Also, I notice you have conveniently neglected to address the MSM narrative being “it’s just a flu bro,” right up until POTUS said, essentially, the same thing. At which point, a complete 180 was done overnight and this became deadly serious. Also, the dems were too busy with impeachment to notice it in China.

    2. Great remark! Thank you for your kindness, it’s really nice. And what’s said in the article is not the truth. Actually She bought the masks in the end of January. Maybe it’s not proper for her to joke about it, but according to her explanation, She felt happy at that time for she was able to help some friends and people in China. And I guess people making unfriendly remarks here basically don’t know about all this.

      1. She is a seller, she has several online shops on Taobao, are you kidding me? She was helping out her so called friends and family for making profits.

      2. Maybe you have the right idea…it is not proper. It is not proper in the USA and it is not proper in China to gloat that you are able to get something in a huge quantity that others are going to need in a huge quantity in the near future. It is unAmerican to do this. That is why so many people are angry. You say she “felt happy”. Happy that she would send to China something that the stupid Americans don’t even know yet. You are insulting all Chinese by trying to explain an act by one Chinese person that will end up hurting thousands of Americans. Wrong is wrong in America and China. Stay safe.

  5. As a Chinese American, I am deeply ashamed of her behavior. I have reported her video to FL attorney general and Hillsborough County attorney. She should be investigated by FBI, DOJ and IRS

    1. True, “Daigou” is middle person buying stuff in US or other foreign counties and resale to China. English should called it “Surrogate Shopping”, and they never pay taxes for the income they made with “Daigou”.

      1. What is the truth Tao? That she was doing a humanitarian act by buying all of the masks she could and sending them to the poor people in Wuhan? Why would an American do this? America had sent 17 tons of medical supplies to China. The reason is this..she is more Chinese than she is American, and always will be. She does not keep informed about what the USA does., probably because she does not care. The majority of Chinese Americans love the United States but, there are always going to be those who show their true patriotism is to their former Country. This kind of behavior by this Chinese woman has hurt the perception of many towards the Chinese which is unfortunate.

    2. Good job! She didn’t buy more after January is probably because she bought all the masks in her area.

  6. Her selfish act is such a big blow to all the efforts Chinese Americans have done to help fight against Coronavirus and evil Chinese communists party.

  7. We are Americans originally from China, we are shamed of the woman’s selfish, indecent , illegal behavior which do not benefit anybody ; America is a great county we love and together we will make it greater!

    1. Yes, a horrible Chinese woman’s actions can’t represent the whole Chinese community. However, One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. I believe there’s a similar saying in Chinese too. “A speck of mouse dung spoils a whole pot of porridge.” Please forgive all the negative comment toward Chinese. It’s time for us to unite and be strong. Yes we will make America greater together.

  8. As a Chinese American, I am deeply ashamed of her behavior. We donated face masks to the hospital in our city because we love America.this woman makes me so sad ?

    1. We Americans appreciate what you doing to help. We also understand a horrible Chinese woman’s actions can’t represent the whole Chinese community. However, One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. I believe there’s a similar saying in Chinese too. “A speck of mouse dung spoils a whole pot of porridge.” Please forgive all the judgmental comment toward Chinese. It’s human weakness to think that way. Thank you for giving back to the community.

  9. I heard about this woman for a long time, she was in the other vlog, she said she came to us for green card even married her husband. Also she treated her friends like shit, she purchased too many expensive products to her friends. Very ugly woman!

  10. Today I heard about she bought large amount masks, it’s not even suprised, Because I heard about her for a long time, she married for green card, she doesn’t even love her husband. She bought too many items then sell to China’s friends.

  11. Retain a healthy skeptical mind. The Chinese here denouncing this woman do so out of self interest, the majority are loyal to the CCP and are being false in their posts. This action of embedded Chinese undermining their new host countries is happening by hundreds of thousands of people, this is not a one off. Search ‘Chinese spitting’ on youtube, change the date range to this month and you will see them all try to infect westerners by spitting in fruits in stores, wiping mucous on handles etc.

    The minority few that genuinely do dislike her actions recognize that China is a complete s.hole full of animal torture, oppression and no hygiene or governance standards and also don’t care one iota about westerners, they just want to avoid deportation to a country built on fakery with buildings made out of literal polystyrene and chewing gum.

    To the Chinese reading my post, a reckoning is coming to China for what you have done and you best return home now, in shame.
    White people are nice, until you’re evil actions threaten their existence, then they invent atom b.mbs and organie into a military of geniuses. You will see the cause and effect soon, bugmen.

    1. You perfectly demonstrated what ignorance, prejudice, racism and evil mind look like. Your hatred is the real virus … You are sick ?

    2. Dear sir or madam
      With all due respect, I hope you could remember that as Chinese American and US taxpayers, we have the same self-interests as yours.
      We hope this land is peaceful and all the people here are happy and healthy, since here is the home for ourselves, our beloved kids, and their offspring.
      We wish the US economy could as strong as possible, since our employments, incomes, assets, and 401K are tied to the prosperity of US.
      During the current COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese Americans are suffered together with all Americans. We lost families, relatives, friends and colleagues ; we lost jobs or had dramatic salary cut; we are at risk of home liquidation; our 401ks are discounted the same degree as everybody else; we wept whenever we checked the number of confirmed cases and deaths or hear sad news ; we shed tears whenever we heard our brave physicians and nurses are fighting for us.
      You might not know that how many Chinese Americans have donated to buy PPEs for local or NYC hospitals. In my community, everyone I knew chipped in at least once. Many of us participated as many as we can. Donation can range from 10 dollars to over million dollars. Most over, every day many of us drive to the hospitals, the most dangerous zones everybody trying to avoid during the pandemic, to give our love, supports and PPEs to our brave physicians and nurses.
      You might not know that how many Chinese Americans have called families, friends, schoolmates in China, trying to get PPE shipments in allowed small batch (100 masks) to donate to local hospitals. Just one of my classmates, who is also physicians in China, has donated through me 1300 masks, 20 protective face shields in 4 shipments, and more PPEs from many other friends are still on the way.
      You might not know that how many Chinese Americans have worked with their hospitals’ logistic teams to ensure that they can purchase the best possible PPEs asap from China, to fight the COVID-19 in US more efficiently.
      I believe once you know all the truths, you will feel stereotyping Chinese Americans or any Americans is not only unfair, insensitive, discriminating, but also very brokenhearted. COVID-19 is the enemy of the mankind in whole. We need unite and target on one-direction, instead of biting each other to
      With you and your beloved ones stay safe and healthy during this crisis

      1. Bing: Good on you for speaking out. There are a lot more people like you doing everything they can to help. Thank you for what you are doing. Do not be disheartened, there are more appreciative people out there than the few looking only at the dark side of the things.

      2. I agree, not all Chinese Americans are represented by this woman, BUT CHINA as a nation, whether justified or not, do not like America and there is something brewing, HER smile and intentions speak only for her but I believe she represents a entire nation that feels this way about the U.S. I hope I am wrong but it seems like we are headed into a conflict with China

    3. Your “healthy skeptical mind” is sick and full of hate. Do you have the IQ to differentiate between individuals and ethnic groups? By your logic, we should be shaming all white Americans for the despicable actions of mass shooters.

      Did you know that Chinese Americans have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy face masks and PPE from everywhere including China to donate to hospitals in desperate need in CA, NYC, Boston and NJ since Coronavirus hit. What have you done for America in this crisis other than spreading hate speech? You are one who should wrap up you ass to go back where ever your ancestors are from.

    4. You’re the reason some white people are ashamed of being white. Your ignorance and hate is the real virus that Americans want to mitigate.

    5. You are an idiot. “A reckoning is coming to China”, you say that like you have the nuclear codes and are ready to hit the button. And all that rage towards a whole country just because this lady bought as many masks as she could find? You sound like just type of person that is just as shitty as her

  12. I am a Chinese American living in central Florida. We saw this video yesterday, and the whole community is angry. She can’t represent us. Our community is trying our best to get masks for the local hospitals. Many of us have been asking our families and friends in China to send us masks so we can donate to the doctors and nurses who work in the front line. As of today, our community has already donated 1200 N95, 35000 surgical masks to local hospitals.

    1. We Americans appreciate what your community doing to help. We also understand a horrible Chinese woman’s actions can’t represent the whole Chinese community. However, One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. I believe there’s a similar saying in Chinese too. “A speck of mouse dung spoils a whole pot of porridge.” Please forgive all the judgmental comment toward Chinese. It’s human nature to think that way. Thank you for your community and keeping up the good work.

    1. That is not true. Her behavior is unacceptable to all of us, and she can’t represent the whole community. Majority of us is kind, caring, helping people when we can, working hard.

      1. What are you talking about Ivy? Majority Chinese are kind caring and helping people. hahaha, only you Chinese think like that. No other people think Chinese are so ugly, doing anything without manner. let me ask you lvy, I believe you don’t do that. Did you buy a lot of toilet papers and rice, masks, hand sanitiser? I am pretty sure you did already. you fucking Chinese doing really shit to all

  13. First of all, I’m one of the viewer of her on other social app. I watched this said video!! IT WAS RECORDED AND UPLOADED FIRST WEEK OF FEB. IF IM NOT MISTAKEN IT WAS FEB.2!!! Oh my god!!! Don’t defame someone else !!!!

  14. arrest this chinese motherfucker,wake up america ,americans ,chinese are monester,chinese gonna destroy whole world and USA。get out chinese people。they spread wuhan virus

  15. I say this. I am not a koolaid drinker. I drink no ideology. I am not for or against any one race of people just solution based. I say that the practices in China of creating wet markets for wild animals to be sold are no. longer acceptable. If the Chinese government does not keep these places shut down or anywhere in the world for that matter the Chinese government or countries governments governments that allow these practices should be responsible to reparations to the world to those affected. The coronavirus does not have any borders and is causing much heartache in loss of life and a global economic epidemic as well. Relentless Truth!!! Thank you.

  16. My wife works in health and beauty department at a pharmacy the chinese military that is learning to fly aircraft at the local airport has been buying all the masks form her for the last 3 months

  17. I am pretty sure this video was made when Wuhan had the virus and Chinese around of the world were trying to buy masks and help. It’s understandable at that situation. I have always been wondering why US didn’t prepare for this by making our own masks or PPE. Shall people blame this shortage simply on Chinese?

    1. yes I blame you Lynn and you fucking Chinese, I say Wrong is WRONG, there should not be excuse of this behaviour. If your communist mind, that is understandable but not for all

  18. She would definitely be hung in many countries, thank goodness we live in America and those things won’t happen here. She should basically have to hand out all of the mask to all the inmates in her jail!!

  19. I am a Chinese living in Canada for the last 20 years. When the virus was serious in Wuhan in January. Many of Chinese here were buying the face mask to send them back to China trying to help. Right now when the virus came to break out in Canada. We are trying our best to buy face masks from everywhere to donate to the hospital and give them to our colleague. We love Canada. We wish Canada to be the best place for our children to live. I believe American Chinese thinks the same way. Please don’t let one ugly woman destroy the whole image of Chinese people.

    1. IDK man. If you really “love” Canada, you shouldn’t identify yourself as Chinese. Image of Chinese people are pretty bad, TBH. If you truly want the best for your children, denounce your tribal affiliation and integrate.

    2. Don’t you have eyes to look around you. If you go to chemists and super markets you can see so many Chinese buying toilet papers and rice and masks and many

  20. Dear Author, thank you for your report. However, I do not think it is professional to use your current title for this report. Overall, it is misleading to label her as a “Chinese woman”. She is an adult and a human being and she is responsible for herself. She does not represent other Chinese. She does not represent other women. Just imagine that, if your title is “A person angers American…”, it will be much more accurate and neutral. Do you want to be neutral? Do you want to convey unbiased message? Thank you for your consideration. I will observe what’s going on here.

  21. What’s said in the article is not true. Actually she bought the masks in the end of January. Maybe it’s not proper for her to joke about it, but according to her explanation, She felt happy at that time for she was able to help some friends and people in China. And I guess people making unfriendly remarks here basically don’t know about all this. So please do some thing to make people aware of the truth.

  22. Previously two Young men bought all of hand sanitizer from all the stores and tried to sell in Amazon. These behaviors are bad sample for all Americans.

    1. your right, regardless of nationalities it’s disgusting, but that smile and her intentions do speak for alot of Chinese and how they feel about Americans…its not racist at all..for whatever reasons, whether it’s our sanctions or foreign policy, they Do not like us, me or you and they know that we are easily divided by our fear of being racist and our political views…whether you like our president or not, it shows weakness when we slander and show divisions among ourselves…but every nation always underestimates our ability to put that aside when push comes to shove and we stand shoulder to shoulder when its time… I have absolutely nothing against any immigrant of any nationality but something is brewing

  23. No individual can represent a race or a gender. It is irresponsible for the media to mislead the audience in this way. We humans all have the weakness of stereotyping people. This is an enemy we have to fight for ourselves in this war. Shame for this person! She should be punished by law enforcement. But, we shouldn’t relate her to Chinese or any race, any gender. Let’s fight against the virus, against our own weakness, not race!

    1. Who are the ones in videos spitting on produce, wiping their booger tissues on park benches, etc? Chinese folk here that give two shots about actual Americans

    2. Did she pay tax? I have known her for a long time, she always purchased things and resell again to China. She was married for a green card.

  24. Bottom line, if you are part of the problem and not the solution, you need to face consequences. That goes for everybody. Everywhere. This is an all hands on deck thing. Not every man for themselves thing. If you are buying up anything to profit off of pain, you should be held accountable. If I were anyone of these people, I would be very afraid. When shit pops off, they’re the first targets. We are in a pressure cooker. The actions of this women and those like her, cause a ripple effect. Watch. It won’t end well. When all this shakes out, their selfishness will have a price.

  25. She is so disgusting. Recently saw another video about a chinese woman spitting on the Fruits in the super market and captured on the security camera.

  26. That’s what the chinese normally do, not only in UDA, all over the asia, like bulk buying milk powder for babies in hongkong

  27. Lots of comments from Chinese people still bent on spreading misinformation in hopes of deflecting blame. This is what growing up in & still having ties to totalitarian country does to people. America should limit immigration from countries like China and Russia. You get them here en mass, they form a group, and have harder time letting go and integrating, which doesn’t do any good for anyone. I’m Asian with Chinese ancestry btw, and I say Xi and the CCP must go, and any Chinese-American who thinks otherwise should “go back to their country”.

  28. Do the right thing, Wrong is Wrong, Do not make any excuse for the wrong thing. Fucking Chinese,

  29. this is not only America problem, if you watch the Current affaire, Australia TV show, on 30th Mar 2020. there is no masks and hand sanitisers left in Australia because fucknig Chinese bought all masks and hand sanitisers in January and February 2020. and send to China about 90 tons of them. now Australian can not buy any masks and hand sanitisers anymore.

    Donot say, it is ok and no problem for that fucking Chiness. It is not really good and can not understandable behavior.

    We all must be careful all the Chiness around us. they are too dangerous. and Chinese education is shit

    1. I live in Sydney , I could not find the essential supplies as at the end of Feb, luckily we find alternatives, we use vinegar to replace alcohol for disinfectant, we use technology ( bidet) to replace toilet rolls, we use home made mask that’s more environmentally friendly, no rice for me I switch to eat potatoes ; what can a ugly selfish human do to us ? Nothing ! I tell you , nothing!!! Selfishness is not the problem to the wise until you allow it. Not worth it. Let the ignorance brings judgment back to the ones who are selfish, the owners of ignorance.

    1. I guess so, Not even Japan, England, Italy, France and all Europe conturies are suffering from Majority of Chinese people doing wrong thing.

  30. DEATH AND NOTHING LESS FOR THE #CCP AND THEIR AGENTS. Just wait till’ Trump takes the gloves off with these commie pigs. They’re about a cunts hair away from a thermonuclear wake up call.

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