How to clean and disinfect a place which has been exposed to someone carrying nCoV - Alvinology

How to clean and disinfect a place which has been exposed to someone carrying nCoV

The National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore has recently shared guidelines on how to properly disinfect an environment which might have been contaminated by a confirmed case of the novel coronavirus (nCoV). If you are a business owner or even a homeowner who may have come into contact with anyone that might have nCoV, this is an important read.

Equipment you will need

  • Disposable gloves
  • Disposable long-sleeved gowns
  • Eye goggles or a face shield
  • An N95 mask
  • Bleach
  • Alcohol

What you need to do: before cleaning

  • Seal off any areas that the confirmed cases have visited.
  • Prepare all of your cleaning solutions according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Disinfect all of your cleaning equipment before usage.
  • Make sure the cleaning crew is properly suited up before they start cleaning. One’s eyes, mouth and nose should be covered, and any open wounds should be properly bandaged and covered.
  • Open your windows for proper ventilation.

What you need to do: during cleaning

  • Sanitise all surfaces that could potentially be contaminated with the novel coronavirus, especially railings, handles, door knobs, touchscreens, keyboards and counter tops.
  • Mop the floor with disinfectants or prepared solutions.
  • Wipe all areas that are frequently touched areas, like doorknobs, tables, and light switches with chemical disinfectants.
  • Clean the toilets, walls, and other surfaces in the bathroom with disinfectants or bleach solutions.
  • Remove rugs and curtains and wash them with detergent or disinfectant in a hot-water laundry cycle for around half an hour.

What you need to do: after cleaning

  • Throw away the gloves, the masks and long-sleeved gowns.
  • Disinfect the eye goggles.
  • Wash your hands right away with soap and water after cleaning.
  • Hire a cleaning contractor who can properly disinfect any used cushions, carpets, mattresses or pillows.
  • Use biohazard bags to throw out any cleaning equipment that is made of absorbent materials and cloths.
  • After leaving disinfected areas, avoid using them the following day.

Should you experience any symptoms after disinfecting certain areas, make sure to report to a clinic or a hospital right away.

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