Father and child can have a Pizza Making bonding this Father’s Day at Pizza Hut [Register Here] - Alvinology

Father and child can have a Pizza Making bonding this Father’s Day at Pizza Hut [Register Here]

Pizza Hut is introducing the ultimate father-child bonding experience this Father’s Day: Pizza Making workshop – a fun and interactive session, priced at S$56 per father-child pair, participants will learn the art behind the iconic Pizza Hut pan pizza.

Donned with an apron and special Pizza Hut chef’s hat, kids and parents will be encouraged to get their hands messy while learning from resident Pizza Hut chefs on how to knead the dough and the secret behind the perfect tomato sauce, while getting a sneak peek behind the scenes at a Pizza Hut kitchen.

Father and child can have a Pizza Making bonding this Father’s Day at Pizza Hut [Register Here] - Alvinology

Full details of Pizza Hut Father’s Day: Pizza Making Workshop summarised as follows:

Date: 16 June 2019, Sunday
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Pizza Hut HarbourFront Centre, 1 Maritime Square, #01-69, Singapore 099253
Cost: S$56 per father-child pair
Registration: Sign up here

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Sign up today and enjoy Pizza Hut’s ultimate father-child bonding experience this Father’s Day: Pizza Making Workshop.

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