[Promo Inside] evian unveils new limited-edition bottle by Ines Longevial to celebrate International Women’s Day - Alvinology

[Promo Inside] evian unveils new limited-edition bottle by Ines Longevial to celebrate International Women’s Day

For International Women’s Day, evian is pleased to welcome for the first time a young French painter, Inès Longevial, to design its iconic annual Limited Edition.

Inès Longevial, based in Paris, is a 28-year old artist has already made herself widely known by hosting exhibitions in Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Her paintings are inspired by such masters as Pablo Picasso and Pedro Almodovar, concentrate on two principal themes: femininity and nature.

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For the design of the evian Limited Edition, Inès Longevial took inspiration from the 15-year long journey of evian through the French Alps. “The ink stroke symbolizes the journey of the natural mineral water through the rocks of the French Alps, while the flowers represent the blossoming nature on the surface – a source of pleasure,” says Inès Longevial.

evian x Inès Longevial Limited Edition – A Collective Commitment in Asia Pacific

As part of the iconic annual Limited Edition this year, six key influencers across the Asia Pacific were also invited to be part of the local campaign, to be inspired by Inès’ artistic celebration of femininity and nature, as well as to inspire a theme of their own.

The influencers included Rosalyn Lee (@heyrozz) for Singapore, Issa Pressman (@pressmanissa) for Philippines, Amber Yo (@amberyosuper) for Taiwan, Binko Bhapfah (@bbinko) for Thailand, Marianne Tan (@mariannetpy), and Afa Lee (@afa_leeishere) for Hong Kong.

The evian x Inès Longevial Limited Edition bottles are available in two versions – glass bottles (750ml) which launched earlier this year in February, and Prestige PET bottles launching in March 2019. First to launch in 7-Eleven stores island-wide (March – April 2019), and in leading supermarkets, pharmacies and Lazada/RedMart from May 2019 onwards.

Glass Bottle

[Promo Inside] evian unveils new limited-edition bottle by Ines Longevial to celebrate International Women’s Day - Alvinology

Prestige PET Bottle

[Promo Inside] evian unveils new limited-edition bottle by Ines Longevial to celebrate International Women’s Day - Alvinology

‘Snap and Win!’ Island-wide Promotion

From now until 31 May 2019, stand a chance to win the grand prize of a 3D2N staycation for two worth S$1,500 with every purchase of the Inès Longevial Limited Edition bottle.

Here’s how to participate:

Step 1: Purchase two evian x Inès Longevial bottles from any participating retail outlet

Step 2: Snap a creative photo of two evian x Inès Longevial bottles

Step 3: Upload and tag #evianxInesLongevial #evianSG

Remember to set your account to ‘Public’ for your entry to be visible. The contest is exclusive to Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents only.

7-Eleven Exclusive Promotion

From now until 31 May 2019, stand a chance to win the grand prize of an Apple 13” MacBook Air with every purchase of the Inès Longevial Limited Edition bottle.

Here’s how to participate:

Step 1: Purchase two evian x Inès Longevial bottles from any 7-Eleven store.

Step 2: SMS your FULL NAME <space> MOBILE NO. <space> RECEIPT NO. to 9455 6673

Share your photos of your Limited Edition bottles onto your Facebook and/or Instagram account with the campaign’s hashtag #evianxInesLongevial #evianSG.

For more information, visit evian Facebook page.

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