Assistant Engineer drugs and has BDSM sex with 15-year-old girl without a condom, gets 5 years in jail - Alvinology

Assistant Engineer drugs and has BDSM sex with 15-year-old girl without a condom, gets 5 years in jail

According to a report by Channel News Asia, a 33-year-old Assistant Engineer named Lim Chee Keong has been convicted of having sex with a minor and possessing an extensive collection of 197 obscene films. He has been sentenced to five years in prison and fined $20,000.

What did he do?

Reports said that he found the then-15-year-old girl on a website that solicited sex clients. The girl allegedly put up an ad looking for someone who could pay her tuition in exchange for sexual favours.

The man answered the advertisement, and promised an amount of $4000 to $5000 monthly for the girl if she agreed to his requests.

Lim and the girl discussed the arrangements through chat applications.

The girl agreed, but Lim wanted to engage in bondage and domination play, which the girl was uncomfortable with doing. Still, she went through with all his requests despite her reluctance and psychological trauma from the incidents.

Lim also told her to delete their conversations on the chat apps so that there would be no evidence of their encounter.

Assistant Engineer drugs and has BDSM sex with 15-year-old girl without a condom, gets 5 years in jail - Alvinology

Image from Shutterstock, girl crying on couch.

The encounters

But the girl’s troubles did not end there–nor did she get the money she was promised.

According to the report, Lim drugged her during their first encounter in December 2017 by asking her to sniff a certain substance, which made her more compliant to his demands.

They had sex on the staircase in Lee’s home.

The next time they met, it was in January and that was when he asked her to perform BDSM acts with him. The young girl had lied to her parents that she was studying with a friend but instead went to meet Lee.

He had drugged her and refused to wear a condom for the three times that they had intercourse. Still, the girl was not paid what she was promised. She was made to endure extremely degrading acts that damaged her psyche.

How did they get found out?

Reports said that the girl began exhibiting odd behaviour in school, which prompted her teacher to ask her to see a counsellor. The girl ended up telling the counsellor about the sexual encounters, which lead to Lim’s arrest.

While the conversations on their phones were deleted, Lim admitted to having sex with the girl, but that he decided to abscond from any fees once he had gotten what he wanted.

Lee will appeal his sentence

While the prosecution said that Lim’s actions had causes psychological harm and that girls at that age are unable to make conscious sexual decisions and relationships, the defence said that the girl was just shy of 16 years old, and that she was not trustworthy in relation to Lee.

Reports said that the defence argued that, “There was no evidence of physical or intellectual disability in the victim, and pointed out that she snuck out of her house to meet the accused the first time and also lied to her parents.”

Other reports said that the defence also said that Lim has no prior cases and that his mental condition was exacerbated by taking care of his ill father.

Lim said that he will appeal his sentence.

What do you think of Lee and his actions? Let us know in the comments!

Header image from the Straits Times.

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