Great Skyscanner Sale offers savings of up to 35% on flights to almost 100 destinations - Alvinology

Great Skyscanner Sale offers savings of up to 35% on flights to almost 100 destinations

Skyscanner today launched the Great Skyscanner Sale (GSS), running from 31 July to 8 August. GSS offers travellers flights that are currently up to 35% cheaper compared to the standard fare, close to 100 popular destinations in Europe, USA, Japan, China and Australia. With special participation from, GSS fares are pre-selected searches to show and make it easier for travellers to find and book their next holiday.

Great Skyscanner Sale offers savings of up to 35% on flights to almost 100 destinations - Alvinology

Your destination is not listed on the Great Skyscanner Sale?

No problem, you can continue the biggest search party for low fares yourself. Just visit and search for cheap flights to experience your dream destination. This is possible, because Skyscanner constantly scans airlines and online travel agencies for fares suiting any budget – all year around.

What is the Great Skyscanner Sale (GSS)?

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The Great Skyscanner Sale is Skyscanner’s inaugural sale, which offers travellers flights that are currently up to 35% cheaper compared to the standard fare to popular destinations in Europe, USA, Japan, China and Australia.

Why does Skyscanner host a sale for a limited period? Isn’t Skyscanner a travel search engine? How is it able to offer this sale??

Skyscanner constantly scans airlines and online travel agencies for fares suiting any budget – all year around. With support and participation from, GSS fares are pre-selected searches to show and make it easier for users to find and book their next holiday.

When is the sale taking place?

From 31 July 2018 to 8 August 2018

How much can you save?

The Great Skyscanner Sale highlights flights which are currently up to 35% cheaper compared to the average base fare. The actual savings depends on the airline, destination and travel date chosen. Fares comprise of the price of the air ticket and associated taxes. Taxes are subject to change due to currency fluctuations. Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights or all dates.

What destinations are included in the GSS?

Take a look at the destinations on this chart:


Great Skyscanner Sale offers savings of up to 35% on flights to almost 100 destinations - Alvinology

When can travel with my ticket purchased during GSS?

The travel period varies depending on the airline selected:

Great Skyscanner Sale offers savings of up to 35% on flights to almost 100 destinations - Alvinology

How do you know you’re getting the Great Skyscanner Sale fare?

  1. Visit
  2. Search for your favourite destination
  3. Travel between 31 July 2018 to 31 December 2019 (dates may vary depending on participating airline)
  4. Make sure you’re booking directly with via our direct BOOK button (attach image)
  5. Book from: 31 July to 8 August 2018

Full payment is required at point of booking. Payment processing fees and per guest segment are not included. Bookings are not refundable except as provided in the Conditions of the Carriage. All the terms and conditions are available at the selected airline’s website.

What does your flight ticket include?

Unless stated otherwise, economy flight fares exclude checked baggage, meals, and in-flight entertainment.



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