Digital billboard porn airs along busy Metro Manila highway - Alvinology

Digital billboard porn airs along busy Metro Manila highway

There are billboard fails and there are billboard fails like this. Take a look at this Billboard in Manila that shows an error dialog box but something peculiar behind it.

You be the judge of what is being shown in this digital billboard

In the video above, you can see an error dialog box on top of a video showing a man hunched over. After a while, the dialog box disappears and you see the people in the video doing something..not supposed to be aired on a billboard. At least in any country we are aware of.

Digital billboard porn airs along busy Metro Manila highway - Alvinology

After a while, the display shows the operator of the billboard closing windows and finally the porn has stopped and is taken down.

While this is the most recent (and certainly one of the funniest) fails to happen, this is not the first nor the last. Take a look at this signage fail in the SMRT.

Digital billboard porn airs along busy Metro Manila highway - Alvinology

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