Steven Lim versus Pradip Subramanian kickboxing match ends with bodybuilder's tragic death - Alvinology

Steven Lim versus Pradip Subramanian kickboxing match ends with bodybuilder’s tragic death extends our deepest condolences to the family and friends of World Bodybuilding & Physique Sports Federation (WBPF) president Pradip Subramanian, who died after sustaining injuries from his kickboxing match with YouTube eyebrow artist Steven Lim.

Pradip was 32 years old, according to a report by Channel News Asia.

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What happened?

According to reports, the referee of the kickboxing match declared Steven Lim the winner after Pradip’s nose started to bleed during the match.

The match happened last night at the Marina Bay Sands.

Backstage employees during the match mentioned that the bodybuilder had sustained blows during the second round of the fight, but was able to continue to the third. But when the nosebleed started, the referee stopped the fight, discussed with the judges and declared the eyebrow artist the winner of the match.

This was when things turned tragic.

Pradip reportedly began to lose consciousness when he returned to his corner and had to be assisted out of the ring. After that, his condition began to go downhill as he needed a stretcher and ambulance to leave the venue. He was rushed to Singapore General Hospital.

His parents announced the death much later on social media with this post:

Steven Lim versus Pradip Subramanian kickboxing match ends with bodybuilder's tragic death - Alvinology


Steven reacts

Reports said that the eyebrow expert posted photos of himself with his new belt mentioning that Pradip was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

Once the annoucement was made that his opponent passed away, he posted this on his Facebook page:

In the post, he expressed his condolences and lauded his opponent. He said, “Rest in Peace, my really truly respected fearless warrior and fighter, Pradip Subramaniam! This is a very sad moment for me to learn about the shocking news! You taught us all the virtues of being fearless and strong and the importance of keeping an active and fit lifestyle! My deepest condolences to you…You are truly our hero!”

Pradip’s last moments

In a video posted online by Facebook user Nigel Chua, you can see that Pradip took several blows to the face, even as he rushed to corner Steven in the first minutes of the video.

After the referee’s discussion, the bodybuilder seemed to close his eyes and be unsteady on his feet while waiting for the winner’s announcement. As the video progresses, he is seen to be leaning on the side of the ring with his head bowed.

A few second later, you can see some of Pradip’s attendants trying to rouse him and taking a look at his eyes.


Not meant to be the opponent

Originally, the celebrity Muay-Thai match at the Marina Bay Sands was supposed to be between Steven and Sylvester Sim, runner-up to the title of Singapore Idol.

After numerous social media exchanges regarding the planned fight, Sim backed out after his management team decided that the risks involved with the fight were unacceptable. Organizers then substituted Pradip as Steven’s opponent.

In a report by the Straits Times, both Steven and Sylvester were serious about the match and were training for it at Muse Fitness Singapore, a local Muay Thai gym, which is also one of the organisers of AFC.


What do you think of what happened? Let us know your opinions on the whole fight and aftermath in the comments!






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