We totally understand why everyone is up in arms over the sentence Josh Robinson has gotten for his criminal acts. Many were shocked when the American pedophile was sentenced to only 4 years behind bars.
If you haven’t heard of this notorious sexual predator, he’s a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) instructor that’s giving other instructors a bad rep for what he’s done. It’s unthinkable how one would show a girl (the daughter of his student) as young as 6 an explicit video of him performing sexual acts.
Here are 5 reasons why many might have felt like taking justice into their own hands or petitioning for him to have a harsher sentence:
A light sentence may abet him to commit more crimes

Many people felt that slapping Robinson with a 4-year jail sentence after committing multiple sexual offences against minors is letting him off too easy. The maximum penalty for sexually assaulting a minor is 10 years and facing a fine for each charge. As for the possession of obscene films, Robinson could have been jailed up to six months or fined at least S$500 for each film, up to S$20,000.
Hence many felt that in order to let him and other potential sex predators know the gravity of the crime committed by Robinson, a harsher sentence is necessary. After all, having consensual sex with 2 underage girls and showing an obscene “sex tape” of his to a six-year-old in 2015 are certainly no matters to be taken lightly.
Even the father of the six-year-old daughter has came out to warn others
It’s plain to see why his sentence has unfolded into a public outcry, let alone the father of the daughter profoundly traumatised by the repulsive act of Robinson. Mike couldn’t take it lying down and he took to Facebook to voice his major dissent with the outcome:

While making comparisons between the penalties served to a drug abuser and that of a sexual offender, Mike expressed his disappointment at Robinson getting away easy with a “slap on the wrist”. The importance of being cautious against the possibility of such incidents or history repeating itself with this criminal reverberates through his Facebook post. We couldn’t agree more – it’s better to have our guards up.
Robinson is a wolf in sheep’s clothing

On the surface, Josh Robinson was a prominent figure in the martial arts industry with much accolades under his belt. Little did we know that he’s simply a wolf in sheep’s clothing – as he took advantage of Mike’s trust that he wouldn’t harm his student’s daughter.
On hindsight, Mike would do anything to stop Robinson from showing his daughter the explicit video. However, none of us would have expected Robinson to do so, judging upon his credible reputation.
The father thought that maybe the MMA instructor was just showing his daughter cartoons while he rested on his break. We’d think the same.
Any child could be his next victim next time
There’s no doubt about the fact that Robinson was on the prowl for victims – he wasted no time in sexually assaulting the minors he met online on the first meeting. He even filmed down the sexual acts without their permission – we would never wish this fate upon anyone and anyone’s children.
Unfortunately, we don’t know for sure when’s the next time he would strike.
For all we know, he could be a pathological pedophile

Being found in possession of an astounding figure of 5, 902 obscene films – of which 321 videos featured children aged between two and 16 – it has more than validated our concerns about his sexual fetishes for young children. All evidence points to him potentially being a pathological pedophile.
By definition, pedophilia is a mental disorder, where one feels intense and recurrent sexual urges towards prepubescent children. The fantasies and desires may or may not been acted upon. In Robinson’s case, it has been acted upon – evidently seen from his string of sexual offences against the teenage girls he met on dating website.
In that case, 4 years of jail sentence may not be sufficient to correct the long-time corrupt mind of his. Also, what’s to guarantee his rehabilitation during his time spent behind bars?

It is up to the prosecutor of the case to appeal the sentence and we believe all Singaporeans have faith in our Courts and the Singapore justice system. Nonetheless, the outrage against Robinson has resulted in this currently ongoing petition to increase his sentence. Yes, the general public is that furious.
Recently, Robinson’s American counterpart in Singapore, Mikhy K. Farrera-Brochez has also received much flak for faking his HIV blood test.
Imagine this animal prowling again in just 4 years time. Punish him to the full extend of the law. Effect change lawfully by writing to your MP.