Alvinology is Going On Scoot's Inaugural Flight to Sydney, Australia! - Alvinology

Alvinology is Going On Scoot’s Inaugural Flight to Sydney, Australia!

Dear friends and readers, thank you for voting for Alvinology for Maurice Lacroix’s The French Job as the Chinese Blogger representative. You would be glad to know I won in the end with the highest vote and was picked by the judges as the first choice Chinese blogger!

Nonetheless, I gave up the chance-in-a-lifetime all-expenses paid trip to Southern France for two weeks due to family and work commitment….

And also because I got invited to go on Scoot‘s inaugural flight to Sydney, Australia! I will be flying off in a few more hours at 11pm tonight.

The Scoot team shouting my name together in unison (picture via Yahoo!)
The Scoot team shouting my name together in unison (picture via Yahoo!)

The dates for the two trips clashed and I made the decision to travel with Scoot and Destination New South Wales instead as I love their cool marketing folks.

Scoot - Get Outta Here!
Scoot – Get Outta Here!

Moreover, this flight is not just Scoot’s inaugural flight to Sydney, it is also Scoot’s inaugural passenger flight to anywhere in the world! I am glad to be among the passengers making history together with a fun airline brand and crew.

Video detailing the birth of Scoot in November 2011:

Fly with Scoot:

This would be my THIRD trip to Sydney, but I am still loving and discovering more of the city with each visit. If the weather permits, I would get to try sky-diving at Wollongong this time round. I chickened out on the second trip, but I regretted it when I got back to Singapore. This time, I am ready. 🙂

Stay tuned to this blog for more updates on both my flight experience with Scoot and travelogue in Sydney!

About Scoot – Not your usual airline name, not your usual airline

We’re an airline for the young, the young-at-heart and the value seeking. People who remember that travel is all about discovering, connecting, experiencing, and enjoying. Simply put, people with Scootitude™.

So come the middle of this year, we’ll bring you a new travel experience. We’ll start with a fleet of Boeing 777s and a safety, security and operational DNA reflecting our heritage. We’ll offer you new non-stop routes from Singapore, and a new price paradigm on some existing routes – Australia, China and ultimately the world.

We’ll deliver service with personality and a contemporary feel, and the choice to pay only what matters to YOU. And of course safety, reliability, punctuality and financial strength.

We announced ourselves to the world publicly on Nov 1 2011, and since then, a lot has happened. We’ve rallied a committed team together, with individuals with years of experience in each and every field, and a core focus on making sure we stick to our values and fulfil our promises to YOU.


  1. Congratulations For winning “The French Job” !!
    It’s a pity you had to give up the trip, could have passed it on to us .. (heh)

    Anyways, enjoy your trip to Australia and have a safe journey, see you back soon!

    1. Great! The seats are larger than the usual budget airplanes. There was a delay on the inaugural flight, but I presume they should have straighten that up by now.

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