Download Your Favourite Aaron Tan Troll/Gangster Poster Here! - Alvinology

Download Your Favourite Aaron Tan Troll/Gangster Poster Here!

Sorry Aaron Tan, I really cannot resist doing this. Someone have to help you realise your comedic and troll potential before you destroy your life by becoming a career gangster. I know Mr Brown had already gave his support, but more is needed before you can come to the attention of famous movie directors like Jack Neo and Michelle Chong.

I have created a series of Aaron Tan troll posters for everyone to download for free to post on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums and wherever else you deem fit.

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Each poster comes with a classic Aaron Tan quote:

In Queen's English: "I am issuing you with a warning first"
In Queen's English: "I am issuing you a warning first"
In Queen's English: "Seriously, do I look like I am joking?"
In Queen's English: "Seriously, do I look like I am joking?"
In Queen's English: "Please, you need to grow up first"
In Queen's English: "Please, you need to grow up"
In Queen's English: "My name is Aaron Tan and I am from Bedok Town Secondary"
In Queen's English: "My name is Aaron Tan and I am from Bedok Town Secondary"
In Queen's English: "You will be dead if I find you"
In Queen's English: "You will be dead if I find you"

Aaron Tan deserves a second chance. Let’s help fulfill his dream of becoming a comedic talent in the Singapore entertainment industry. 🙂


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