PAP Driver and WP Co-Driver Spoofs - Alvinology

PAP Driver and WP Co-Driver Spoofs

Low Thia Khiang and Lee Hsien Loong in an utopian world
Low Thia Khiang and Lee Hsien Loong in an utopian world

Frankly, I am getting quite sick of the analogy about the ruling party as the driver and the oppositions as co-drivers. Analogy are such that they can be construed anyway as they need not be backed by hard evidence or statistics. It is just one clever wordplay after another, thrown back-and-forth to one another.

Maybe others have the same frustration as me too. Hence they came up with these spoof videos below. Enjoy:

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Technorati Tags: singapore election 2011, singapore elections 2011, singapore elections, wp co-driver, pap driver, lee hsien loong and low thia khiang driving together, drive and co-driver ge 2011, driver and co-driver spoof, driver and co-driver spoof videosr

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