Halloween Horrors at Night Safari 2010 - Alvinology

Halloween Horrors at Night Safari 2010

Halloween Horrors at Night Safari
Halloween Horrors at Night Safari

This year’s Halloween Horrors at Night Safari is definitely scarier than 2009 and 2008. Thanks to an invitation from the nice folks at the Singapore Zoo, Rachel and I visited their Halloween Horrors for the third year in a row.

Third year I have seen this ghost - so much so it's endearing to see her again :)
Third year I have seen this ghost - so much so it's endearing to see her again 🙂

For the past two years, the costumed ghosts were generally placed in more predictable spots and on a fixed stretch of route on the tram ride.

Dash to Cart

This year, the costumed ghosts were placed randomly. When I say random, I really mean it. The ghosts seemed to pop out everywhere – at random points along the tram ride, somethings even between animal enclosures; along the empty pavement you are walking on; and even from behind harmless looking signboards.

This year, a few of the ghosts managed to make me jump. A difficult feat as I am a very calm and composed person. Kudos to the organisers this year! 🙂

Queuing for the tram ride
Queuing for the tram ride
Me in the queue
Me in the queue
This year, some of the costume ghosts ride together with you on the tram
This year, some of the costume ghosts spook you before the tram starts moving off
Entering a Chinese Opera ghost section on the tram ride
Entering a Chinese Opera ghost section on the tram ride
Bloodied eyes ghost spotted along the tram ride
Bloodied eyes ghost spotted along the tram ride
Fat lady ghost
Fat lady ghost
Manequins were placed as decoys to confuse us with the roaming ghosts
Manequins were placed as decoys to confuse us with the roaming ghosts
This guy spooked me quietly
This guy spooked me quietly
Not too sure why this ghost is carrying a musical instrument
Not too sure why this ghost is carrying a musical instrument
Dude with a large axe
Dude with a large axe
Funny shot of one of the ghost trying to block my camera
Funny shot of one of the ghost trying to block my camera

I like it that the Halloween walking trail this year managed to incorporate some of the animal enclosures into the setup, making the trail longer and more unpredictable.

Entrance to the walking trail
Entrance to the walking trail
Managed to spot this dude before he jump out
Managed to spot this dude before he jump out
Another one standing in wait
Another one standing in wait
This dude is seated really low, but I still managed to spot him
This dude is seated really low, but I still managed to spot him
The snakes enclosure was converted into some sort of haunted caves showcase
The snakes enclosure was converted into some sort of haunted caves showcase
Spotted Medusa in the snake enclosure - how adept!
Spotted Medusa in the snake enclosure - how apt!

I also like it that there are more Halloween attractions added this year – like the Haunted Mansion at the Singapore Zoo for instance. I did not get to visit it as we arrived rather late, but I am sure it is a blast.

Rachel and I caught the Creatures of the Night Show though. We have seen this a few times and it is still as entertaining and refreshing with each visit. Rachel particularly loves the Asian small-clawed otters segment where they picked up empty drink cans and bottles to chuck them into recycling bins. She will be going “Oh so cuteeeee……” throughout the performance.

Rachel and I before the show started
Rachel and I before the show started
Some giant furry creatures that smells of pandan leaves
Binturong, or Asian bearcat, that smells of pandan leaves
Some wild cat with a very strong sense of smell, sniffing out an odourless grape from the boy's hands
A civet cat with a very strong sense of smell, sniffing out an odourless grape from the boy's hands
A Hyena lifting a giant tree branch
A Hyena lifting a giant tree branch
Giant python
Giant python
Wrapping the python around this American tourist
Wrapping the python around this American tourist
Rachel's favourite segment of the show featuring the adorable otters
Rachel's favourite segment of the show featuring the adorable otters
The otter picking up more cans
The otter picking up more cans

Specially for Halloween, the Grim Reaper and a slew of other scary costumed characters also made their appearances at the Creatures of the Night Show.

Fire dancers
The Grim Ripper and some fancy laser beam show
The Grim Reaper and some fancy laser beam show

If you would like to visit Halloween Horrors at Night Safari, you still have till this Sunday (31 Oct) to do so. Book your tickets online first to avoid disappointment at the door. At the time of this post, only tickets for 29 and 31 Oct are still available for online booking.

Technorati Tags: halloween horrors, night safari, singapore wildlife reserve, singapore zoo, singapore night safari, halloween party, haunted train, haunted mandai, singapore ghost tours, halloween tour, omy, omy.sg, dracula, mummy, vampire, halloween horrors at night safari 2010, night safari halloween 2010, creatures of the night show halloween


  1. It’s my first time to the Night Safari Halloween this year!
    While walking along the Trail of the Undead, I flashed the path first to spot the ghouls before proceeding… and caught a few crouching in the grass.

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