Since there’s so much debate going on about this. Let’s do a poll and settle this once and for all shall we?
The issue at hand is whether the victim (regardless if she is really a female or a transvestite as speculated in many online forums) at the Siloso Beach Countdown Party deserve to be molested.
Those who claimed the victim deserved it points to news report and pictures depicting the victim as an attention-seeker who was seen flirting with the men in skimpy clothing and even mooning the audience at one point.
Those who are defending the victim are of the view that even if the victim was guilty of the alleged flirtatious behavior, that doesn’t give the men the right to outrage her modesty if she wasn’t willing.
Technorati Tags: 2009 countdown molest video, 2009 countdown sexual harassment video, 5 siloso beach countdown party molesters, countdown party 2009 molesters, Harassement at Siloso beach countdown party 2009, indian man molest bikini girl, molest caught on video, molest in singapore, molest is a crime, public Harassement at Siloso beach countdown party 2009, Public molestation at Siloso Beach Countdown Party 2009, sentosa countdown party molesters, siloso beach countdown molest, siloso beach countdown party 2009 molest video, siloso beach molest, siloso beach molesters, siloso beach molesters identified, singapore indian molesters, singapore molest, singapore molesters caught on video, singapore siloso beach molest, victim at siloso beach countdown deserve it, victim at siloso beach countdown do not deserve it
Doesn’t look like she was being molested at all in the picture. How did things get as far as it did in the picture without her consent? And anyway, what is this about outraging her ‘modesty’? Does she look ‘modest’ to you? I think we need to see a vid of the whole event to conclude. A pic just doesn’t do it.
Anyway, a poll just reflects public opinion. What matters is the formula via which something is concluded. ‘Its right/good because it very popular one’ formula should be kept for curry puffs and bak kut teh. Why is it that the the majority here tend to decide what’s great via ‘hits’ and votes? Let’s try a little bit of reason.
No one ever deserves to be molested.
The groping became much more violent after this picture according to one of recent articles I read.