Pastor Kong Hee from City Harvest Church can cure Cancer? - Alvinology

Pastor Kong Hee from City Harvest Church can cure Cancer?

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Within 7 days.


As documented in this video:

You can read more about Pastor Kong Hee and watch more of his videos via his official website,

Technorati Tags: pastor kong hee, kong hee, singapore city harvest church, city harvest church, chc, chc pastor kong, pastor kong, pastor kong cure cancer, jianxiong cancer video, pastor kong jianxiong


  1. Pastor Kong also never say he can heal cancer what. He prayed a prayer for that guy and he got healed. Who did Pastor Kong prayed to? God, right? Then it is God that answer the prayer. God do the healing, man do the prayer.

  2. Pastor Kong Cannot HEAL anyone. Its his Prayer that he prayed for Jian Xiong that healed Him through Jesus Christ. It is pretty difficult even for christian to believe that healing can take place, until they themselves experience the miracles.

    It is true that when prayer is prayed with faith and persistent, healing will take place. My friend was healed of Night Blindness

  3. Actually, its not unique to Kong Hee or Protestants. Catholism also sees its share of miracles.

    There is a God people…

  4. yeah [:
    Pastor Kong cant heal. God heals. Pastor just intercede for him and asked God to heal him. Indeed prayer is the key that unlocks the door for miracles.

  5. Pray to God sincerely and your prayers will be answered.

    Prayer is the channel we need to talk to our heavenly Father God.

    Pray from our inner heart with great faith as there is no short-cut.

  6. Hello Pastor, Yesterday I saw your message on the TV and it was very touching. Thank you and keep giving us more messages and song of praise.
    Wish you Compliments of the Season and A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010.
    Best wishes,
    Lavina, Derrick & Sam

  7. This megachurch pastor is too busy. Got no time to wait for God to give him Devotion word for website so he go copy another personā€™s work and pass as his own. The evidence is here. Compare his article “Thomas Faith” with the article from Leadership Bible. First two paragraphs is word for word the same.

    Accuse others of cheap grace. but then he? cheat grace pastor? I guess the college where he got his Doctor of Theology in two years forgot to teach him the basic courtesy of acknowleding the work of others

  8. Dear Pastor,
    How are you?
    This morning I heard about your thought by U channel, It was really wonderfull. Thank you for giving me and others such a wonderful perception about BANK LOVE. Great job…May God Loves you

    Best Regards,

  9. The thief is nothing but a thief.
    He steals from others to pass as his own. That’s the lowest of low life.

  10. Its crap.. if god is healing than why pray to him.
    You and I just pray to god at any time and place we like.
    Kong hee is full of crap, lets wait and see the judgement day…..

  11. This is not an issue at all, Jesus is the healer and pastor lee is just one of his representatives here on earth. there are going to be more stunning miracles that we will still here about even from the non-famous people because we are to do the works of Jesus and greater works than he did. ….only believe.

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