Monsters vs Aliens (3-D) - Alvinology

Monsters vs Aliens (3-D)

Monsters vs Aliens
Monsters vs Aliens

I caught the 3-D version of the latest animation offering from Dreamworks, Monsters vs Aliens last friday at Cathay Cineleisure. I haven’t watch a light-hearted cartoon or animation in a long while, and it was refreshing watching Monsters vs Aliens, seeing all kind of weird monster and aliens characters come-to-life in 3-D.

This is the third time I have watched a movie in 3-D in Singapore. The first being a docu-drama on Egyptian Mummies which I watched at the Singapore Science Centre and the second being the animation,  Fly Me to the Moon which I watched at the Singapore Discovery Centre.

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I still cannot get used to the 3-D glasses… maybe it’s because I wear spectacles. It’s rather uncomfortable to be wearing 3-D spectacles on top of my regular spectacles. Other than the duo weights straining on my ears; they also tire my eyes out very quickly after the novely of 3-D wears off.

However, I did observe that the  young children enjoyed it very much. It’s probably them that the cinema operators are targeting. 🙂

With regards to the movie, it was fun, light entertainment that’s suitable to watch after a long day at work – laugh and forget. It’s probably cool for families with kids too. As mentioned earlier, I am pretty sure the kids will dig the 3-D effects.

You can watch the movie trailer on it’s official website. There’s actually a lot of cool downloads and behind-the-scene stuff packed in the website. Animation fans may really want to go take a look.

Technorati Tags: monsters vs aliens, monsters vs aliens 3d, singapore monsters vs aliens, monsters vs aliens review, dreamworks, cathay cineleisure, singapore science centre, singapore discovery centre, singapore 3d theatres, singapore 3d movies, singapore 3d cinema


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