TPJC Gay Striptease Dancer Comes Out - Alvinology

TPJC Gay Striptease Dancer Comes Out

TPJC student, Sylvester Goh doing a striptease
TPJC student, Sylvester Goh doing a striptease

Via TPJCian magazine:

Sylvester Goh created a buzz in college when he performed a striptease dance in the annual dance competition, DanceFest, organized by the Modern Dance Club. His seductive moves were recorded and uploaded in Youtube and the video was subsequently attacked by a string of harsh criticisms. Most of the censures came in the form of assaults at him for being shameless when portraying his homosexuality in front of a packed audience.

Nonetheless, Sylvester came back strong and defended his performance. In this exclusive interview, he shares with us everything from about his daring striptease performance early this year to his personal life and his opinions if society is ready to accept people who are like him. Like any other youngster out there, Sylvester has a big dream and that is to become an actor one day. He is not letting anything – including his sexuality – to stand in between him and his illustrious ambition.

You can read the full interview with Sylvester here. In addition, here’s the video of Sylvester’s striptease performance:

Frankly, after watching the video, the alleged “striptease” was rather tame and more like childish, harmless fun. I am quite sure I have seen worse during my school days.

I am more intrigued with the source reporting on the incident. I am not too sure if this TPJCian magazine is endorsed by the Tampines Junior College (TPJC) school authorities. If so, kudos to them for their openness. 🙂

Technorati Tags: tpjc gay, sylvester goh, singapore gay, gay striptease dancer, tpjc gay striptease, tpjc dancefest, tpjc modern dance club, jc gay boy, singapore homosexual, singapore striptease, tampines junior college

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