Impossibility of the Superstring Theory - Alvinology

Impossibility of the Superstring Theory

Extreme graffiti
Extreme graffiti

This should be the biggest drawing installation for the Singapore Biennale 2008. It covers the walls, ceiling and floor of a entire block in South Beach Development.

The drawing is done by Joshua Yang, a Malaysian artist who lives and works in Singapore. Joshua begins his drawings as the exploration of an area to be covered by his linear meanderings. Layered with the scientific conundrum of the “Superstring Theory” – Joshua’s method of working is based on a strict system:

1. The line must not intersect itself at any point

2. The line must be continuous and no breaks

Here are some photos of his artwork:

The start line
The start line
Lines in the attic
Lines in the attic
A perfect loop
A perfect loop

How much space can a single line occupy? Apparently, an entire building block in Joshua’s drawing as seen above! 🙂

Read the rest of my Singapore Biennale 2008 entries:

Through the Looking Glass

Address (Project: Another Country)

Cermelang, Gemilang, Terbilang (Excellence, Glory, Distinction)

Private Moon

Real-life Google Earth


Operation Supermarket

Technorati Tags: singapore biennale 2008, south beach development, impossibility of the superstring theory, joshua yang, superstring theory, extreme graffiti


  1. HEY! We want more scandal articles!

    this artist is bobo man..what superstring theory…superstring theory has no strings at all one loh…kekeke. He never explain how his artwork ties gravitation to the other 3 boogie forces arh. Oso never represent his artwork in 26 dimensions. How can liddat… might as well name his artwork Nokia Snake…coz snake oso have:

    1. The line must not intersect itself at any point

    2. The line must be continuous and no breaks

    kekeke. I’m waiting for a conference call, so abit bored…thought can see some scandals here and watch some bobo person write long self-righteous nonsense in the comments section. Dissapointed MANS.

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