KFC Egg Tarts! - Alvinology

KFC Egg Tarts!

KFC Egg Tarts! - Alvinology

Yes, you did not read wrongly. KFC does sell egg tarts – just that you cannot find it at the Singapore outlets. The picture above was taken in Taipei. Those hands belong to Rachel. That bite off the egg tart was by her.

KFC Egg Tarts! - Alvinology

While Rachel and I did not try the fried chicken in Taipei’s KFC, we couldn’t resist buying the egg tarts as it was such an oddity on the menu.

It tasted surprisingly good. There are an assortment of fillings to choose from, ranging from yam to jam. How come Singapore menu don’t have such good stuffs one??? I seriously think KFC can consider introducing their egg tarts into the menu here. Confirm will sell like hotcakes one. 🙂

Technorati Tags: singapore, kfc, taipei kfc, kentucky fried chicken, taiwan kfc, egg tarts, kfc egg tarts, jam egg tart, yam egg tart, kfc menu

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