Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue - Revisited - Alvinology

Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue – Revisited

I think the netizens have spoken. Remember my post on Dawn Yang vs Xiaxue: Who is Prettier?

Well, Xiaxue just wrote an article ranting off about Dawn yesterday night. This drove a fair bit of traffic to my 3 months old poll on who’s the prettier one among the two.

Vote tally as of when this entry is published:

Xiaxue – 89 votes
Dawn – 22 votes

Dash to Cart

Xiaxue wins hands down lah. Any Dawn Yang fans want to say anything? Here are the pictures again for the comparison:

dawn, xiaxue - candid 1

CANDID Picture 1 (taken from KIDCHANSTUDIO)

dawn, xiaxue - candid 2

CANDID Picture 2 (taken from KIDCHANSTUDIO)

What’s the verdict? 🙂

Was the poll accurate?

Technorati Tags: xiaxue, clapbangkiss, dawn yang, candid pictures, star blogger, singapore blogger, chiobu, pretty girls, singapore beauty, singapore, straw poll, nuffnang pajamas party, nuffnang birthday, kidchanstudio


  1. you obviously chose the worst pics of dawn, u biased or what?

    2 not-so-nice photos out of hundreds don’t mean a thing. Do any internet search on the nuffnang event for pictures taken by bloggers with the 2 and you’ll see how much prettier dawn is!

    Shall i search n post them for u if you are so biased *cough* i mean lazy?

    btw, i’m sure xiaxue voted for herself repeatedly. look how she tried so hard to gloat about this “poll”

  2. hmmm

    i follow up on both dawn and xiaxue and frankly,

    dawn is prettier, but she had a lot of work done to her just by looking at this picture you can tell her breasts have been “enhanced”, xiaxue on the other hand is pretty herself and has a kickass personality, plus she shared with the world her experience of having a nose job *cough cough* not like someone else..

    if you were to compare the girls before they both had plastic surgery THAT would be interesting, and xia xue would win hands down.

    PS .. these are CANDID pictures.. of course the author of this blog wont compare photoshopped pictures.. SHEESH..

  3. sheesh: I don’t think the author of this blog is biased at all. You on the other hand sound like a crazed dawn yang fan distorting facts the same way your cheap plastic idol does. Personally I don’t find dawn remotely aesthetically pleasing even based on the more flattering photos of herself on her own blog – bit too alienish and weird for me. Xiaxue is very ahlian and low class but I still voted for her – overall she’s more pleasant to look at. Go Xiaxue! (I prefer humans to aliens.) If you want to talk about bias, I think one of the reasons Xiaxue got more votes is simply because she’s more popular. Anyone can tell she’s the preferred personality here. You’re being out of line by blindly accusing and venting your anger on the author for displaying poll results that you don’t like.

    P/S: I really doubt Xiaxue would do a boliao thing like create fake identities to sway a poll in her favour. BUT now that you mention it, it sounds TOTALLY like what our plastic queen would do. Fake personality, fake face, fake bags – no wonder she’s so unpopular.

  4. Dawn yang is someone you want to fuck and leave. Xiaxue is someone you want to get to know with.

  5. Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue! Xiaxue Rocks!

  6. xiaxue, hands down : ) xx wont repeatedly vote herself . if dawn , yes maybe . xx is glowing even without any photoshop done on her : D : D

  7. Dawn wayang had a point, on the 1st pic, DY’s boob looks like there was something unnaturally round ‘inside’. There’s a strange round outline on the boob that’s nearest to XX. Natural boobs dont create such strangely round outlines even when pushed up.

  8. xiaxue! Dawn is too plastic please. her breast look really fake like stuffed with silicone or what. xiaxue look much more natural and her skin color is awesome! healthy looking compare to dawn skin tone. dawn is too fair! super unhealthy looking! I wonder how dawn future kids will look like? plastic like their mom or the actual *ahem* look 😛

  9. Geez, what is with you guys? What is the big deal about Dawn and Xiaxue? Both of them are just bimbo bloggers who may have surgeries done on them.

    Get a life

  10. The big deal about XX and DY is that both of them are after all two famous bloggers in the singapore blogosphere. Why even comment when you dont give a shit about the whole ordeal? Both of them DID have plastic surgery except XX made it public that she got her nose done. And it was filmed. DY denied to having any sort of surgery done and insists that she’s of mixed heritage and that’s why she looks the way she does. Fine, Dawn Yang may be prettier than Xiaxue, if and only if everyone prefers looking at an Asian-like Barbie doll, man-made nonetheless. XX may not come upon as a Barbie lookalike but Xiaxue’s beauty speaks from her blog and daily life rantings. It’s terribly hard to hate her! She has got to be one of the best bloggers of all time and as for the lawsuit which was slapped upon her, I dont think she would apologize regardless of the attempts and templates they’ve sent her because she seems hard-headed like that. You go XiaXue!

  11. Of course dawn yang looks hella better, your poll wasn’t about “Who’s the prettier one naturally” right?

    In case Dawn is seriously 100% real, it makes xx the real fake, omg. but oh well.

    Anyway, I don’t know why, no good backings or whatsoever, but I am definitely on xx’s camp.

  12. in real life, pp don’t wear pjs like that, will freeze to death since most of us sleep with aircon on.

  13. xiaxue is more honest and has an awesome personality lol, and she doesnt has anything to hide unlike dawn
    who even though might look prettier, taller, gud figure, seems nice? etc. but it’s all just fake… faking to be nice, gone through plastic surgeries but denies them, lies about her heritage, plagiarize, and has multiple accounts on cozycots, and some other webs to act as her own fans etc.
    eventhough xiaxue can be mean on hr blog sometimes, but she has nothing to hide, she admits that she photoshop her pics, had a nose job etc.

    xiaxue rocks : )

  14. ask them to remove their thick plastered-on make up , then we can more accurately compare lol….afterall didn’t someone say that there are no ugly girls, only lazy ones……..omg!!! almost forgot to add that you need to be rich too to get some help from the plastic surgeon

  15. xiaxue is ugly. even her nick was stolen. so what is dawn is plastic? its a fact that she is very pretty now… although she shouldn’t have lied.

  16. I don’t like DY’s skin. What the hell is that? Acnes? Yuckh… XX looks okay la, at least she has a perfect skin (or good make up base?).
    They both got plastic surgery. But the thing is .. Dawn denied it, n Xiaxue didn’t. In fact XX put details about her PS in her blog. Good for her.

  17. dawn has a better body and hight and xia xue has a better face i guess. although im not sure how much work dawn had done to her body lol.

  18. Two materialistic and empty-headed bimbos. But xiaxue for the win simply because her blog although vulgar can be slightly more entertaining than dawn’s blog which consists of fishball eye whoring and “drunk while looking cute” pictures.. if she makes a porn video she can be paris hilton’s twin

  19. we all know dawn is prettier but it’s cause of her plastic surgeries. xiaxue seems really jealous. come on you know you hate her cause she did plastic surgery and you did too but you couldn’t look as good cause you can’t afford the same doctor.

  20. yucky Two Disgusting Freaks, so what’s so proud about having PLASTIC SURGERIES done?! eventually having your “Plastic stuffS” dropped, AhhAah! disgraceful! Shut Up ..

  21. xia xue can be vulgar sometimes but at least she’s entertaining and she’s more real (eg. she uses photoshop yes, but she gladly admits it).
    dawn on the other hand, has TOTALLY reconstructed her face (have you seen her BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE X god-knows-how-many-times-she-did-it pictures?), lied about being part thai part dutch, part thai and part -whatever-ang-moh-country-she-wants-to-belong-to-today. she lacks personality (as do all plastic figurines) and her existence is prove that a good education has been wasted on her.

  22. i used to think that dawn was very pretty, but the more i look at her the more i think she looks like a wax figure. i prefer xiaxue.

  23. Dawn is super plastic. At least xiaxue admitted she went for surgery. I just can’t stand dawn being so fake

  24. I prefer feisty character, one who is vibrant, happy, vulgar, smart, not necessarily wise but nonetheless very smart, funny, pokes fun at herself, doesn’t act cute, someone who can make converse about anything (or in this case, write/blog) out of nothing (basically not boring) and most importantly, doesn’t care what the world think of her most times. Who is she? The prettiest one of course. Y’all guess..

  25. Although dawn yang is just a plastic barbie doll….it is quite apparent that she is much more prettier then shorty xia xue……..:P

  26. i think both are pretty BUT xia xue looks more naturally pretty?

    i know both have had plastic surgery but come on overdoing plastic surgery makes you look unrealistic and scary!!! Dawn Yang is beautiful but i honestly think she over did it.. she should’ve stopped with the nose, eyes, boob job and never did the cheek implants! sooooo my vote goes to xia xue… the more natural beauty out of the 2 un-natural beauties???

    MEH mayb i’m just biased coz i LOVE xia xue man so DAMN FUNNY

  27. Dawn Yang is very pretty in the contemporary, aesthetic sense. However, she looks like every other Asian plastic-surgeried celebrity O__O I can’t even tell Dawn and other girls apart! I’ve read a few posts from her blog, but it’s not very interesting. The pictures of her dying her hair is interesting only because I want to dye my hair right now, but everything I’ve read so far is boring.

    Xia Xue has a waay better blog. She’s a great writer! Always writes from her own perspective, and has a very sarcastic and amusing narrative. She’s definitely pretty in more than just one way! I also like her hair colour haha.

  28. i can’t help noticing the outline of something under the skin of dawn’s forehead in both photos, and outline of something under the skin of her left boob in the first photo.

  29. well i preferred Xiaxue over Dawn.
    yes they both had a plastic surgery
    but hey! look at their old pictures
    Xiaxue is pretty as it is.
    and note! Xiaxue is blogging to express herself
    not just to impress everyone.
    and i like her being just HER.
    it’s not bad to express thoughts and feelings
    we’re both living in this world democratically.
    so why bother?

  30. Both girls are ugly as hell but Xia Xue’s personality is even uglier than she looks. Thats white-washed bitch can go suck white dick for all I care. She’s a farking retard.

  31. Newflash – both of them have had plastic surgery. It just didn’t do any good for Xiaxue. At least Dawn can say that her plastic surgery paid off :/

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