Browsing Tag
sunshine empire
7 posts
Why you should not join dodgy MLM companies
Well, other than having to profiteer from your friends, relatives and loved ones; getting yourself brainwashed; hero-worshipping your…
Quoteworthy: MLM
“Did you know, the three characters “mlm” look like flipping the middle finger. Don’t get flipped the finger…
History of Sunshine Empire & James Phang Wah
[youtube url=””] You can watch more comical Sunshine Empire videos in my previous blog post titled “Why you should…
Sunshine Empire brainwash session caught on video: 无限英雄分享会
More comical Sunshine Empire videos available HERE and HERE. I am left speechless after viewing all…
Sunshine Empire Founder, James Phang in Concert
The evil Sunshine Empire scamming trio are going to jail. Justice is finally served. As a tribute to…
Alvinology Award 2009
Happy new year everyone! Following past years tradition in 2007 and 2008 where I round-up the year with…
Make your own Motivational Posters
Saw this via EDMW.
Click here to make your own motivational posters. Now, your choices won’t be…