Singapore and World Bank Group Launch Singapore Water Center at SIWW - Alvinology

Singapore and World Bank Group Launch Singapore Water Center at SIWW

Singapore and the World Bank Group unveiled the Singapore Water Center during the opening day of the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) and CleanEnviro Summit Singapore (CESG). This new initiative, located within the World Bank Group’s Singapore office, aims to harness Singapore’s expertise in urban water management to benefit the water sectors in the region and globally.

Singapore and World Bank Group Launch Singapore Water Center at SIWW - Alvinology

Enhancing Global Water Management

The Singapore Water Center will conduct training activities, joint research projects, and pilot studies of innovative technologies. These efforts are geared towards capacity building and establishing the Center as a thought leader in water resources management. The Center represents a significant milestone in the collaboration between Singapore and the World Bank Group, emphasizing their shared commitment to sustainable water solutions for the present and future generations.

Inauguration by Key Leaders

The launch was announced by Singapore’s Minister for Sustainability and the Environment and Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations, Ms. Grace Fu, at the joint opening of SIWW and CESG. The ceremony was jointly officiated by Ms. Fu and World Bank’s Managing Director of Operations, Ms. Anna Bjerde.

A Strengthened Partnership

Singapore and the World Bank Group have enjoyed a longstanding partnership in infrastructure and sustainable development. Singapore has hosted the World Bank Group-Singapore Hub since 2009, and the World Bank Group has been a strategic partner for SIWW since 2012.

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