5 Unique Psychiatry-Related Careers - Alvinology

5 Unique Psychiatry-Related Careers

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Are you looking for a career in psychiatry? There are many careers available these days outside of traditional psychiatry that you might enjoy. Finding a career you love is an important part of increasing your quality of life. So, here are five unique psychiatry-related careers to look into if you have a psychiatry degree. 

If you want to learn more about psychiatry and how it works, you can also check out BetterHelp. 

Forensic Psychiatry 

Forensic psychiatry involves working primarily with courts, law enforcement, lawyers, and criminal cases to provide psychiatric care. Some psychiatric forensic scientists will work specifically for prisons or detention centers to offer medication management and mental health support to incarcerated individuals. 

Others may help courts by testifying about medications, mental health, and patient records (when legally approved to do so). They may be able to help identify medical substances or reasoning for symptoms regarding behavior during a crime. 

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 

Child and adolescent psychiatrists work only with those under 18 to offer medication management, prescriptions, and mental health care. Although child psychiatrists learn a lot of the same things as adult psychiatrists, they have to work with their patients to make sure the medications they prescribe are safe and federally approved for those under 18. 

Some psychiatric medications are dangerous or not approved for minors. There are often fewer medications available for children, which makes child psychiatry a very specific field. Psychiatrists will have to help their clients find a medication that works for them within the limits available. 

Animal Psychiatry 

Did you know that animals can also take medications for mental health problems, including OCD, anxiety, and more? 

Animal psychiatrists often work as veterinarians or vet techs and can help prescribe medication to pets or other animals to reduce symptoms of mental health conditions. Many of these medications are similar to medications that humans take but in smaller dosages. 

Remote or Travel Psychiatry 

If you like the idea of having control over your schedule, remote or travel psychiatry is an option for you. As a remote psychiatrist, you can offer telehealth appointments and prescribe medications for any patient from the comfort of your own home. 

Similarly, travel psychiatrists offer mental health care and psychiatry for patients all over the country by traveling to different areas. You will have to look at the licensure requirements for these practices, however, and you may not be able to take insurance from multiple states. 

Addiction Psychiatrist

If you’d like to specialize in a certain area, such as addiction, you can become a psychiatrist for those going through addiction. In many cases, psychiatrists that work in this field will work independently from a rehabilitation or addiction center. Since addiction is very specific to drugs, you will have to find a treatment plan with medication that does not trigger addiction or cause a different addiction in your patients. 


There are many unique psychiatry positions available. For most of these, you will need a doctorate in psychiatry. However, all of these jobs pay well and offer unique benefits. To learn more about psychiatry positions, make sure to do research about your chosen field. 

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