6 Health Apps for Staying Mentally and Physically Fit - Alvinology

6 Health Apps for Staying Mentally and Physically Fit

Nowadays, technology can either be a great distraction or fantastic motivating force. Using apps geared towards mental and physical health can help anybody transform their mindset and body to whatever goal they may have. New health innovations are constantly being developed and can help anybody achieve their personal goals.

Fortunately, there are numerous free apps centered around mental and physical health that can have powerful benefits for users. Here are just a few popular examples, as well as the benefits they may bring:

1. MyFitnessPal

For those who are seeking nutrition tracking, whether you are looking to gain weight, lose weight, eat healthier, or some other reason, MyFitnessPal can be an effective tool. This app helps users take control of their goals by tracking calories and even breaking down ingredients.

Additionally, users can log activities with MyFitnessPal and track how many calories they burned, all while factoring this into overall daily caloric intake. With over 11 million foods in their database, MyFitnessPal is one of the most all-encompassing nutrition apps available. It can be used for free, though there is a premium plan available to those who wish for more features.

2. JEFIT Workout Planner

As for the more physical side of a person’s wellbeing, JEFIT Workout Planner is an effective app. For anyone who struggles to stay motivated at the gym or when planning weight sessions, JEFIT takes care of all the planning. All you have to do is show up to the gym and do your workout step by step.

The app also features analytics that can allow a user to break down their workouts and see areas of improvement. As far as physical fitness goes, JEFIT is one of the best ways to improve.

3. Calm

Moving over to mental health, Calm is an app centered around meditation and sleep. Using guided audio content, this app helps users focus their mind on the task at hand and re-center themselves. This app can help reduce stress and anxiety in daily life while allowing you to gain control of your mindset. However, if you are having serious anxiety, stress, or depression, reach out to sites like Mind Diagnostics for a consultation.

As with other apps on this list, Calm is free to use but a premium subscription may be purchased to access all features.

4. Headspace

Similar to Calm, Headspace is an application that offers guided mindfulness and meditation exercises for anxiety, sleep, focus, fitness, and more. While the app used to be completely premium, they offered many of their services for free throughout 2020 and into 2021 due to the pandemic.

Taking advantage of these guided mediation sessions is a great way of improving your mindset and relieving stress in your daily life.

5. Glo

Combining both physical and mental health, Glo helps users as a Yoga app. This platform offers Yoga, Pilates, and meditation classes to users which can help anyone experience the physical and mental benefits these forms of exercise provide. After an initial free trial, Glo requires a monthly subscription fee, though the price is lower than most gym memberships.

6. Fooducate

Finally, for those who are interested in simply learning more about the food they eat and gaining access to unique recipes to use in the kitchen, Fooducate is a great resource. While calories can be tracked similarly to MyFitnessPal, Fooducate is unique in that you can budget your calories as well as receive a food grade for what you are eating.

Staying in shape, both mentally and physically, is as important as ever. Part of leading a healthy lifestyle is being willing to try new things and using new apps can help you take your health to the next level.

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