Joshua Ang calls Shannon Low's claims 'personal vendetta' - Alvinology

Joshua Ang calls Shannon Low’s claims ‘personal vendetta’

After Shannon Low laid several serious allegations against her ex-husband Joshua Ang, he hit back, in an interview with Asia One, saying that she had a ‘personal vendetta’ against him.

Previously, Alvinology reported on the ex-couple’s separation, which had developed to involve a defamation case against Shannon filed by Joshua over claims she made about him on her Instagram stories.

What did Joshua Ang say about Shannow Low?

According to a report by AsiaOne, “I think this is a personal vendetta between her and myself. If you realised, I have posted nothing negative about her. Nobody is perfect but I don’t go and post s*** about her. I don’t say how she behaved. Things happened between us as well, she did things to me but I never posted anything about her.”

When asked about the particulars of Low’s accusations against him, he declined to answer.

He added, “This is not about revenge. I don’t need revenge on her. My son is going to grow up and my son is going to see all these kinds of things. I don’t need all the negative things about his mother to be shown to the public.”

Joshua Ang talks about Shannon’s attempt to get a PPO against him

According to the same report, Low had allegedly filed for a PPO with the Singapore courts, but that had fallen through, with Ang saying she did not have enough evidence against him.

In some of Low’s Instagram stories, she mentioned that Ang had allegedly erased a lot of their message history and photos.

A previous report said that the PPO was applied for earlier this year but declined in October. Ang had also said in a Facebook and Instagram post that he had not seen his child for almost 200 days.

Ang apologizes for “Happy Divorce”

Ang also told AsiaOne that he understood his first post about his divorce had angered a lot of netizens. He went on to say, “I understand that it may have upset some netizens and Shannon. For that I will apologize; but I have never intended it to be that way, to be sarcastic. It was never meant to be a sarcastic post.”

Ang had previously announced his separation from Low on social media with a post saying, “Happy divorce.” He used a celebratory font and emojis that included champagne and cake.

Ang answers allegations he harmed his son

Part of Low’s claims against Ang that he was reportedly suing her for was that he was a less than ideal father. Low had mentioned previously that he was irresponsible and violent.

“Has my son ever been injured because of me swinging him too hard? It’s just a normal father and son playing. She said I’m irresponsible. How am I irresponsible when I was the one taking care of my kid? I have text [messages] to substantiate which the judge agreed with me.” said Ang in relation to Low’s accusations about his parenting.

He said that he stepped in to do a lot of the childcare when Low had launched her business. “When she started her business [last] December, she worked quite late into the night. During that period of time, from December until probably March, I was the one putting him to bed when she went out with her friends. She needs her space, I respect that. I was the one actually taking care of my kid.”

Ang said that he was applying for an Access Order, and that Low had slowly barred access to his son ever since they physically separated living arrangements in June, “I’m fighting [for] an Access Order just to see my kid for one day per week. One day. And she calls me irresponsible? I want to do my part as a father, she doesn’t allow me to, then she calls me irresponsible. Is it fair to me? It’s not fair to me.”

Ultimately, Ang said that he wasn’t mad at his son’s mother, since he would grow up and see their private matters printed in public.

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