Why sit through a long virtual meeting when you can sip through it?
Let’s face it, virtual meetings have lost their novelty. As Work From Home Fatigue (WFHF) becomes more prevalent, Heineken 0.0 is stepping up to transform fatigue into intrigue. To make your next virtual meeting flow, now you can “invite” Heineken 0.0 to attend your meetings!
From today, while stocks last, all you have to do is to remember to invite Heineken 0.0 to your email meeting invite. Simply add inviteheineken00@heineken.com as an attendee, two working days before your meeting takes place.
Once your calendar invite has been accepted by Heineken 0.0, you and your meeting attendees can all look forward to receiving your own special WFH packs of Heineken 0.0 delivered directly to your doorsteps.

Specially brewed to achieve Heineken’s refreshing fruity notes and soft malty body, Heineken 0.0 is guaranteed to liven up any con call, no matter how long. So, if you’ve always dreamed of enjoying the great taste of beer while presenting your pie charts, well, now you can.
Invite Heineken 0.0 is available for meetings between 8 AM – 5:30 PM, Mondays to Fridays (standard working hours) with up to 20 participants. However, only limited meeting slots are available each day.
Say goodbye to WFHF by embracing this unique “Invite Heineken 0.0” WFH special, and get ready to enjoy your very own Heineken 0.0 – 0% alcohol, 100% work-friendly.