The Level 1 Atrium at 313@Somerset saw more than 200 technology enthusiasts and loyal supporters lining up hours before its official release to purchase the latest Huawei flagship Mate 30 Series. The one-day launch event allowed customers to receive special and exclusive gift bundles with every purchase of the phones.
The HUAWEI Mate 30 Series is a pioneer flagship device that integrates homegrown Huawei software apps with Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) as part of the company’s efforts to create an all-scenario ecosystem. HMS is now servicing the global market with HUAWEI AppGallery, HUAWEI ID, HUAWEI Themes, HUAWEI Mobile Cloud and more.
Engineered with advanced AI capabilities and a revolutionary quad-camera system, the HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro takes mobile videography to the next level. Equipped with a powerful dual 40MP SuperSensing Cine Camera, the HUAWEI Mate 30 Pro can capture 7,680 frames per second to make every moment last. The phone also supports low-light video with a high image sensitivity of ISO 512000.
Visit here to learn more about the Huawei Mate 30 series.

Announced in August this year, a total of USD 1 billion has been invested in the HUAWEI Shining-Star Programme to support mobile app developers all around the world. Developers under this programme will be given priority to access Huawei’s open capabilities and receive incentive support in marketing their products and services.
Through HUAWEI AppGallery, users can search and download mobile apps from 18 different categories including Games, Education, Lifestyle, Daily Essential, and Fashion. At present, more than 1.07 million developers have registered as HUAWEI Developer, and over 50,000 apps have already integrated to the HMS Core.
In addition to the confidence in Huawei’s abilities to overcome the odds and its new HMS ecosystem, many supporters voiced excitement for the new functions and capabilities of the HUAWEI Mate 30 Series.
Mr Aovindaras Prabhu: “The OLED display is what caught her [Mrs Prahbu] eye, especially together with its camera functions like the Leica lens and its slow-motion effects. We use our phone mainly for photos, and seeing this is one of the best, I’m excited for her to try it out.”
Mr Muhammad Halim Irsyad: As a developer myself, the phone not having pre-installed Google applications doesn’t set me back because then I can start discovering more.”
Mr Maheswaran: I’ve been getting the phones the moment they’ve been launched for a couple of years now, and I don’t see that stopping. Using HMS system will be fine with me, and I believe the features of the phone are more important, like their camera.”
The Huawei Mate 30 Series is currently available at selected M1 and StarHub shops, consumer electronics stores, the Huawei Official Online Store and all Huawei Concept Stores.
Wow! I was really surprised and proud that Huawei marketing strategy was moving to the next level. I do believed that someday, they will move up few steps ahead that other brands.. This will be available for both Smart in Globe plan very soon. Thanks