Who is Joel Rasis? Is he another Nicholas Lim peeping on girls in university showers? - Alvinology

Who is Joel Rasis? Is he another Nicholas Lim peeping on girls in university showers?

Once again, a National University of Singapore (NUS) student was charged today (May 13) with criminal trespass and with insulting the modesty of a woman, after he was arrested on Saturday,May 11, for peeping at women taking baths in the campus’ Raffles Hall. Joel Rasis Ismael was the suspect charged in this case.

According to a report by The Straits Times, the 26-year-old student was allegedly found filming a female student using the shower in the said hall, but had changed his attire to avoid being caught and identified by the police. The victim in this case is also a resident of Raffles Hall, a 23-year-old female. Joel is also a resident of Raffles Hall.

Who is Joel Rasis Ismail?

Joel’s personal website featured him as a “budding” architect, and shows off his portfolio, projects, and photography hobby. According to the website, he has a diploma in architecture from Singapore Polytechnic. He is currently a student in NUS.

His social media has been deactivated, and all that’s left of his digital footprint is his professional website.

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He has also figured in previous cases of similar nature according to the police.

His mobile phone, laptop, and other digital devices have been confiscated for the investigation and case proceedings.

How did Joel Rasis Ismail perpetrate the peeping?

The same report mentioned earlier said that the police received a call for assistance at 8:10 in the morning of May 11, and afterwards had arrested 26-year-old Joel in the process of their investigation.

The investigation also reflected that Joel had changed his clothing so he wouldn’t be identified as the person who was taking the videos.

.Who is NUS student Monica Baey (马芸)? She accuses the school of covering up and the police of leniency for Nicholas Lim

Fourth case of peeping on the campus

With the increasing number of cases of peeping on women studying in NUS along with the much-publicized Monica Baey case, the university has put in place more measures to support and protect the victims of sexual harassment and violation in the campus. After school officials admitted that the current frameworks and policies in place for supporting victims and punishing perpetrators for peeping, they had strengthened and changed their measures.

The camera that caught Joel was newly-installed, as part of the university’s vow to strengthen their security measures.

The report said that “the university is working closely with the police in their investigations, and will take the necessary disciplinary actions”. The university is also providing the victim with “dedicated support and assistance.”

Is he just like Nicholas Lim?

While Monica Baey’s harasser, Nicholas Lim, received a warning from police and a one-term suspension, the case proceedings noted that he was remorseful and came forward to confess his voyeurism. Nicholas also said that he did not plan the peeping and acted on impulse after a euphoric sports match.

Who is Nicholas Lim? Read about him here.

For Joels’ case, the biggest difference is that he looked prepared to try to escape getting caught, since he had changed his attire to confuse police investigating the matter through the CCTV camera footage. He also seems to be involved in several other cases that involve violating women.

Monica Baey’s Instagram stories featuring her experience with the police and the university system in dealing with her case prompted public backlash against the school and Nicholas Lim. The university was forced to change their strategies and measure for supporting victims like her, as well as tightening security and increasing the safety on campus.

Header image from Joel Rasis Ismail website.

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