Watch Resort World Sentosa's Ollie the Octopus predict the World Cup winner - Alvinology

Watch Resort World Sentosa’s Ollie the Octopus predict the World Cup winner

It was a morning of eager anticipation at Resorts World Sentosa’s S.E.A. Aquarium, one of the world’s largest aquariums, as World Cup 2018 races towards the climactic Finals on Sunday, 15 July 2018.

This morning, Ollie, a two-year-old male Giant Pacific Octopus, residing at the S.E.A. Aquarium predicted that France would defeat Croatia and be crowned the eventual winner in the global football Finals match.

Calling S.E.A. Aquarium home since January 2018, it took Ollie about 10 minutes on 12 July 2018 to decide his choice of winner.  A highly intelligent marine animal with three hearts and nine brains, the octopus is known to possess a strong cognitive ability in solving problems and great dexterity in hunting for prey. Ollie’s eight tentacles contain close to 500 million neurons to touch, taste, explore and grip its prey.

A very sporting Ollie has jumped into the fray of the globally trending football fever and enthusiastically lent his prediction of the ultimate winner.

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An acrylic maze was inserted into Ollie’s habitat with two pieces of fresh crab placed at two corners of the maze.  Each corner was labelled with the country flag of the two competing finalist teams – France and Croatia.  Shortly after 9.30am this morning (Singapore local time), Ollie picked the crab from the side of the maze that carried France’s flag, deeming the 1998 champion to win the Finals again this Sunday.

As part of Football Fever 2018 celebrations at Resorts World Sentosa, soccer fans can head down to the creatively-transformed Resorts World Ballroom to enjoy a free screening of the Third Place and Finals this weekend where they will enjoy a super-wide 270° visually cinematic feast from multiple large screens lining the venue complete with beer, snacks, floodlights, soccer turf and non-stop entertainment such as hip-hop dance routines and live bands during match breaks.


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