5-year-old boy gets beaten up in a minimart in front of witnesses with CCTV footage but his abuser is still at large - Alvinology

5-year-old boy gets beaten up in a minimart in front of witnesses with CCTV footage but his abuser is still at large

What would you do if you saw that your kid (or someone else’s) got beat up in front of you?

This is the nightmare that mother Vivien Chan had to go through when she heard her maid screaming for her husband one afternoon, telling them how a man had beat up her 5-year-old son Jovian in a minimart near their home.

So how did this alleged incident of child abuse happen?

Here is Vivian’s post on the incident:

According to the post above, Vivian’s son Jovian was with his nanny on Blk 182A Rivervale Crescent yesterday at around 9:00 am. The child was riding a scooter in a minimart and had allegedly run over a man’s foot.

In retaliation, the man reportedly kicked and slapped the boy. Vivian’s maid prevented more harm to come to child and they quickly exited the minimart.

But the maid exhibited some quick thinking and rushed back to their home to call on the child’s father to catch the culprit. Sadly, the abuser had made a speedy getaway into a nearby building.

While the police were allegedly called, Vivien said that the officers arrived 25 minutes after the incident and were unable to find the attacker. They just left a number for her to call when they saw the man or got new information.

But Vivien was able to find witnesses to the event and even CCTV footage as evidence in a case they wanted to file against the abuser.

According to her post, the man is a regular in the area, as some of the witnesses purportedly said that they had seen the man in a nearby coffee shop before. Vivien also said that the man looked unkempt and unwashed.

But according to Vivien, catching the culprit and making him take responsibility for the attack has been difficult.

When they brought her son to the hospital to have his injuries checked, they said that they saw the man in question, but instead of calling out for him to be apprehended, they followed him to his home then asked the police to take action.

Vivien said that the police did go to the address of the man but no arrest or action was made.

She also said that when her husband went to the Investigative Officer, the latter did not accommodate them and reportedly said, “Have you said enough? I’m busy.”

Were the parents at fault too?

From the videos on Vivien’s post, people were quick to point out that the child was using a scooter inside a small convenience store, which may have been the reason why the abuser got mad.

Posted by Vivien Chan on Monday, January 8, 2018

But does that excuse the man from kicking and slapping the child hard enough to leave marks?

Posted by Vivien Chan on Monday, January 8, 2018

Kids get beat up everyday in minimarts, right?

Wrong. No matter what happens, you shouldn’t hurt a child. And don’t start on us with wild scenarios of a kid with a gun or a kid out to hurt you–you’re bigger, you’re stronger and you can run faster.

At worst, the man could have just scolded the nanny and the child, or even confronted the parents.

What do you think of this case? Do you know what else Vivien and her family can do to bring the abuser before the police? Let us know in the comments!

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