When things go wrong on social media... blame the intern! - Alvinology

When things go wrong on social media… blame the intern!

Via EDMW. Butterflies and Cakes is an events company that specialises in planning themed weddings (with at least S$3000 budget).

Check out the two screen grabs below of postings made on their Facebook wall:

Screen grabs via EDMW (click to enlarge)
Screen grabs via EDMW (click to enlarge)

On the left, an irate message was posted, chiding “poor” customers who dare contact them with a budget of less than S$3,000.

On the right, the boss posted a message claiming the earlier post was done by a poly intern while the boss was on sick leave. The poor intern was said to have been immediately terminated and a complaint was allegedly lodged with the intern’s teacher. If these were true, I find the boss very heavy-handed and unforgiving.

There is no way we can know who really posted the two messages above. It is possible the boss may have posted the first message in a fit 0f anger; only to regret it later and posted the second message to do damage control (both messages have since been deleted).

It is also possible that both posts were made by an intern, trying to do damage control before the bosses find out.

In any case, in social media, when things go wrong, the “get-out-of-prison free card” is to always blame the intern (does not matter if such a person even exists) or some part-time facebook administrator or any other faceless minion.

Remember Denise He? That was a social media masterstroke. Learn from the best. 🙂


  1. it’s weird how on both entries, the ‘2 different writers’ do not know how to properly use the full stop + capitalise first alphabet of the first word..

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